Dear reader, let me to warn you that don’t have to expect a super depth reflection in relation to the qualy, as on that four days of competition I couldn’t be on each one of the matches on, even the first day, as barely have already been a month working for the LTA, I wasn’t sure if could or don´t to get access on, so on monday was on my day off, asked late, decided to keep study my degree at home, so I repent to miss that first day but specially have missed off  to watch on as some british players as a nice italian guy that magic of London´s area usually hides on every corner as have lived in other occasions with other humans in relation to the sport or outside of it.

Well, other thing on that  time was that although had my notebook on my bagpack, left it on the locker room for different reasons, means that bet everything about gettiing that my memory works really good, then right now can start to name the matches that have watched on and straight away to explain you my own impressions individual and also about some global aspect:





















EN SHUO LIANG (TPE) VS MARIA LOURDES CARLE (ARG). (As Curiosity while watched the Cristina’s Match).






MAI HONTAMA (JPN) VS LULU SUN (SUI)  (Some moments).




* NASTASJA MARIAN SCHUNK (GER). A young player that wanted to watch, maybe in the main draw if get to access in will try to watch her, during the last year was fellowing her journey, someone that looks like quite interesting to observe that process there is on.

* MARC – ANDREA HUESLER (SUI). About that guy was watching him at Surbiton in an unexpected way,  so called me a little bit the attention, here in the Wimbledon’s Qualification just was some few moments, maybe also through of his peculiar coach, and obviously his game, reminded me about traveling to the old times through of his heigh and about his global consistency with patter on line, but obviously to go up, have details to improve in both sides.


* REMIND YOU AGAIN, dear reader, four details before go depth, first one is that missed on the first day of the Wimbledon’s Qualification; the second one, as my focus was obviously about the british players who played with them and after those that the life was placed me on as knows that I must watch on that moment (needs); the third one, the play on grass can create habits in a sense of game that could be so different than usual, although if you have a good touch, the technique will be lighten much more sharpen; the fourth one, on that time didn´t use a notebook to write on every relevant detail, so means that everything you are reading on that aritcle is comming from my own memory.

It is true, could go to YouTUBE and watch the amost 8h that had every journey on and make a super extense analysis, it would take two much time, so as have said focus 100% on british plus details about players and aspects that are essential for all the set of humans on special who are in tennis and education. 



BRITISH PLAYERS. Lost some other british players who were playing on the first day like

EDEN SILVA. I was lucky that days before had the chance to recognise her and watch once of her trainings, in fact think was with Sarah, that watched on the match wasn’t so diferent, a common characteristic of her strokes is that grabbing them a little bit late so hit the ball with the point of impact down, so plenty of them take a direction too long,  then if get to move in about some kind of variety made it super uncosistent, on grass that finish to be a suffering avoidable. About her mindset, it looks like that was holding it up, means a state of slow down where want to offer out more about those know have in but don’t know how to reach it out.

SARAH BETH GREY.  Both days that watched her, obviousy had the same pattern, specially with someone who made a depth and down way on her strokes, it was a posted dead, as the shots didn’t have timing ball + string, it was always very shorts and that didn’t make any damage on, about the mindset, the will was a wonderful gift to watch but I missed up much more flexiblity that let to take risks on.

ELLA McCDONALD. Remind that name!!!!. That girl has absolutly every detail on, about all a manage of the temps, means that play a harmony technique and mind basically amazing, the stress looks like that wasn’t with her, even there was a funny moment that the umpire had to say the opponent, please wait, while she was walking on so quite from a corner to other to take her position to the rest, sincerely trasmitted super calm and cleanliness but here is the matter, must know difference the mirrow from the own reality and as is the length of the distance between both fields in that emotional aspect as even get the legs are more loose on.  

ANNA BROGAN. Here, remind that had her mum next to me, as wanted a position away without getting interference with her daughter; well about anna played with a postion down, but about all the transference of weight was null, mainly that if don’t take the point of racket out, considere almost imposible to get any chance to go up, it is consequence of a body`s rotation without good dominant supports. About mindset, well it was felt as if in her back had a bag full of stones and more bigger than her own body, everything is stuck for the same needle.

AIDAN McHUGH. From the first moment the matter was so clear, so there was body position details that could remind me to Andy Murray, so were situations that always damn oneself through of the space – time, well specially on the rest was so lighten, his position, his split was absolutely out from his own genetic, if have been a little bit clever, in front of him had an clear example throw of seppi as make a movement short, natural and smooth that let yourself to take a great domninance of the point, the opposite is not just that lost many chances because goes for it so late, is that physhically damage your body a lot, with the rest the shots had similar situations on, so didn´t suprise to have that support placed on her ankle. About the mindset, a emotional speed of action that was over his own body, so lost inteligence and minimum perception, without that the emotions need to push on.

ARTHUR FERY.  About techniques aspects, the ball was taking too late once behind other, the rythm wasn´’t good and the forehand didn’t get a long journey, the backhand looks like much more natural, on the rest, the position and reaction made him go late without consistency and about mentality, too much stimulus that made from his field of concentration a blind area.


The rest of the players that have been able to watch on court, sincerely about some of them there was some that other details but that usually are moving in a spiral that don’t reprsent absolutely anything that keep all time on the same level of self-deception, where some group of coaches also would need to have a bath with a bucket full of ice in, as for example from some players of asia origin or the ego and bad behaviour from the bench of Coco Vandeweghe that at the end is useles by herself, as of course people from the spanish team have also their own joke and that sentence made a great resumen on “Good job to play on grass with the high that the spanish ones have on “……….  a long etcetera..


I don’t want to finish that article without falling to mention some few names, two of them because there details that haven’t won over me, while there are other players that must remind her names even have a feeling of greatful on:


VICTORIA JIMENEZ KASINTSEV.  Mainly in Spain, like a year or two years ago, together to Anne Mintegui, have been commented many things about both of them, sincerely don’t like that I am watching on, altlhough didn’t watch too much, was enough, while a general expression and movements that made me damage on my ears ” Cabeza dura, vamos ” ( Tough head, come on ) …. obviously the loading that placed over yourself, is too much, the body need to express it out, so pop out!.

IRENE BURILLO ESCORIHUELA (ESP). Probably the most athletic player from everyone was watching on with a level of agility that don’t take all the power that it have in, because plays in body position too small, almost like if she needs to hide from herself, so create very poor transference of weight, but about all too much frustation, because without give to the racket a exit out is quite difficul to play on, so in union to a mindset that don’t stop to swing on, make it a bomb in explosion


ASTRA SHARMA. Always is a show to watch that girl, because will be concious that you ticket will be very well amortized, fight and work as haven´t seen on many players, her perseverance, passion and devotion in the way that she is playing that sport, is magic, sincerely to me she is one of that players like Sam Stosur with whom would be fantastic to have a tea while get a chat for long hours on.

YANINA WICKMAYER.  Think while wave my hands about my heart that in a way similar to the Astra Sharma, Yanina is a real example for the youngest players, is not just because she was top ten, after managed some injuries, also she was mum as well, if not that is about the fact as is working so hard to come back, through of a passion, a level of professionlism, an intensity, a reference of a real warrior in the way that she is making the think, but there is a negative point that is developing it with too much anxiety, so pushing her to waste too much energy while the body take a rythm and the mind is other, so obviously get a high influence about her techniqe to place it in other speed, kick and damage herself in the other sides. Anyway she is so authentic, so make me that she is other with who would have a long chat about the tennis, the life or other matters, because know that would grab a great knowledge in.

CRISTINA BUCSA. I was looking forward to watch her, because was doing everything without noise and practically no one is talking about her, but knew that is not going to failure me, basically is so nice to watch that girl, the consistency, her beauty game with a technique super clean, but about all with that mindset that in some aspects of personality is not 100% spanish one make of that some much more opening on, all that through of a class that have fun as also a passion, that let yourseff to involve in a environment that make sense that called tennis, anyway as was saying about her mindset, she need believe more in hersef, determination, a little bit of clarity in the space, as also aspects tecniques and pyshicals, need to make movements a little bit bigger ones, make them too small so create in her a crash between her legs, to grab on court worst and lost an ideal space with the ball on..  a sentence that have a little bit of double reading, ” Has perdido porque tu has querido (Your lost because you have wanted that was like that ) “.

BERNABÉ ZAPATA MIRALLES. Firstly as BERNABÉ in himself as his opponent on the last round Salvatore Caruso, have development a match, that as said Bernabé at the end of the mat “Han Armotizado bien la entrada, (the ticket worth it on), basically can never categorized it as good or bad, and as also said Bernabé, It hasn’t good but the matter is that have won the match, before to attend the medias, mean that are the matches that develop a loyalty crowd to practice that sport ( ” Crean afición “). I have never seen Bernabé before and his character at least that expressed in that last match of qualification with comedian aspects ( ” rasgos ” ) in many moments, through of gestures or about some verbalizations, so in a funny story made me to work as a translator to some people who had around me, in some of them was happening a lost about some emotional magnement that could have cost too much high price.

After of the match had the chance to talk with his coach a couple of minutes, honestly are from that man that you will sit down without battling on the eyelid because are those human who more should listen on (if you know his name tell me, because didn’t introduce each other) left two setences to analysed on psychology terms as have a long journey on to elevalete the level in the whole set, they were “it was building up too much things on the same time ( ” se le fueron acumulando cosas…. “), the other from second match, ” we go to do things well, Jerk ( vamos a hacer las cosas bien cabrón)….   here there is an interesting point to develop about the impact and the global language throws out, the silence of the lack of specificity, but here we never stuck just on the expressions listened if go to a full context of the situation or the inner human, for that human and ethic I am not getting depth about it, simply try to transmit to everybody a reading about a silence language that is hidden but that can have an influence that don’t wish at all about the human being.

If talk about technique aspects from zapata, create a spinal curvarture, asked myself as was walking specifically that area of the neck, because for example think that it on the service reduce consistency something similar on the backhand losing naturality,…. so in some point have an influence in the aspect as physical as in the mindset, because create a waste of energy higher than necessary in.  Anyway happy that human beings who trasmiting so nice healthy vibes have fun about the process that deserve to live on.

MAJA CHWALINSKA. Remind that name on CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!. I have to recognise that till few months ago didn’t know about her existence through of everything that IGA SWIATEK have been doing on and off court, because when Iga started to take space with that called idol, focusing on serious psychologic job, that have came up after that is the natural reflect of a develop that was on the table but now without interference nor contaminations on; well here appeared MAJA, she is from the same age than IGA, if you are a coach or want to be a future coach, must watch to play that girl on, means that spend a enough time on it, because the whole set of that girl, as technically as on mindset, is those about that have kept myself on fighting that is the tennis must be on.

Basically, her strokes are a nature show of the movements, a kind of plasticity that get in love about whomever that understand and value that sport called tennis, with the forehand can play with the ball like she wants without efforting, as if talk about her backhand, so can play with thow kind of shots, each one most artistic that the other one, but if is truth that mustn’t abuse about using in excess that second backhand with effect that must be it a wonderful resource justly as for the damage that can make as lost of dominancy that can come her back on, but also there is small details to improve on specially on space and weigh about the legs; if we talk about her mindset, first remind that although is 20 years old, have came on from a long process of some kind of depression or personal disorder, so can give a space of consciouness different relying upon of the inner context, but if talk about which one were my perceptions on, sincerely, evidently must be struggle with her issue, have some of apprehension, but in the same time is firm, direct with a cleanliness of ideas about that must do on, let that set is going on her nature. That girl if manage well everything that have had in without inteferences with Iga close, can be sure that will be called the attention faster on.



The feeling that have had that year on the Qualification is that the global level obviously with the permission of certain exceptions is that the level was lower, lack of rythm and intensity, the fact that are giving points except that 10 selfish tops to the rest is making damage in their process of job or at least was the feeling on in comparison to other years; a fact to mention on, is that if the guys on the last round have to play at the best of five sets, that have had to play few days in a row without breaking left a general image that was poor going down to the legs, although once thing have to say is that there are a huge relatiion as the brain is managed before, during and after in the benefit about as let yourself recover even getting to cheat the brain to that the body reactioning much better in according to an energy that is usually bigger than we think that have on where usually is covered to a waste external energy, anyway the organization must place a little bit of her hand on, because the last round was a little bit disaste in terms of games, but insist again, also there is a great own responsability of everyone with oneself.

” A fact is that on boys about the last roound barely there was four guys with a range below of 26 years old, just one with 22 years old, Nicola Kuhm, however on ladies have been totally the opposite have had much more variety on “…. ¿Does it try to say something us on?… I think so…

About the coaches or future coaches, agents,…etc.. on the way, that think the tennis is about to place the racket behind and that is all, or about the typical motivational routines full of self-deception, now will be much with the coaching on, will do an article about it, although woud like a video, but my wifi is too slow to upload videos on, anyway expressions like, ” energy, next point, come on, vamos, cabeza dura, the next one, that’s it…..etc… or the élite sport is no healthy….etc…”, are so basic that barely have appreciated that it works, sincerely don’t it, usually create a very silence opposite way, as have said some that other time, are always mixing up the focus of firing point where always are cleanliness ourselve while undestimate children, teenagers, or other players, but never go to the root about an issue that every time is much more serious, for example although is not tennis, that happened the other in the WORLD AQUATICS CHAMPIONSHIPS at Budapest, where from the first moment, had so clear that psychologic ingredient have been a negative key about an issue that fortunately finished well, but is that brough on tennis, that have seen in the Qualy or in other tournaments along that weeks even in other occasions and that will see at Wimbledon Championships as well for sure, must do to the human being a little bit less selfish, more conscious that is the most difficult area to transform but in the same time the beauty in itself to get in a real evolution, because right now there are no example of anything, and mustn’t create permanently unstable bases through of repetiitve choices on.

* As have said on the middle of the article could have told about more players, include the own opponents of the players that have commented some aspects as from others…one…, but if not it would be too long on, if you have reached that point, my appreciate on it. 

Thank you very much for everything lived in that let me to keep growing up.  UNSTOPPABLE!.







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