The first beats of the Australian Summer.

Sincerely, I will go directly without making you waste your time, first to leave clear some things after few analysis. So have been able to watch just few seconds of frames just through of Instagram and a little on Youtube, so I would be happy to develop deepest analysis of the every player plus the human being behind of every player, because repeat and will repeat once time behind other one that the first for me is that they are human being when everybody understand that point then will gain a lot in education but about on the power of development an emotional field really interesting and healthy for all of us.

In the same time, I wish with intensity that was all in a face to face, much more even that even in an video, if you have all the good conditions can be really good, but I am not refering to material thing, because the content is most important, is just about the human things that have around of me that think as can disturb to others so I am so empathic with that kind of issues, then avoids me to get all the focus to develop out a content that is already so complex, but in some way try never to give up, although there are humans that on the bottom of their heart I am aware that have a lot of esteem on my person, but a message maybe isn’t transmit in all a wise way is always brought to place my person underneath about so is my inner power, my authentic self.

” It is not on my control as people can get reaction about everything, so I can’t do anything at all, just to trust on the destiny through of my devotion full of purity that is place on every gesture (actions and facts) of my day. “


THE FEW ANALYSIS. Insist, I am not going to too many things to don’t make that too long, because that is to explain with a screen step by step about all face to face.


Alexander Zverev, about techniques or tactical things will not get in, although always could sign few points for example in his open stance forehand, well respect his rhytm dynamic and mental, in comparation with the last year, can check that in some grades are keeping that rhytms but the frequency on determination is overloading, so create there doubts, less clarity, an overthinking that can reach physical damage through of the delay in the action-choice.

Alex de Minaur, again here will not get in to talk about the tecnniques, well, without losing his personality, means his essence, if want to get a step more in his career even of course on benefit to reduce whatever feeling of fatigue, that I observe is that excess of emotional-psychologic noise push to him a to many blind points to have a great influence as in an excesse of balls on play as in the ability as on place himself as to see the spaces on the opponent so the comfort point is usually the dominancy, is a knife with a double sharp in.

Stefanos Tsitsipas, insist in the first time that have said on the before ones, place the focus on the whole set, although don’t like to make comparation, right now remember me to the player of the Atlético de Madrid, Kondogbia of the other day in the match against the Villarreal where watched a little bit, was enough, when lost of control of emotions while show states full of anger and agressivite, in the case of Stefanos in way to find responds but since a point of view so shaked that won´t be to get anything good inside of the court, but obviously in the inner way is not the best point of begining, but that at least is on that aventure is a brave gesture however is so important to ask oneself, how?..

EMMA RADUCANU. When have seen two frames of that human being was that inspired me to do that article, well, have seen a player that was permanently placed on bad position, believe me once could be because the opponent, twice maybe, but when starte to observe other details in and out, that excuse is over, that can include that her position was frequently in a open stance, when her opponent was in a semi open stance so the head of the racket in chain with her psychology rythm made that lost whatever kind of dominancy. On the rest, insist that the splits can or can’t be need to do it, but that split must always be on paralle to your body size, whatever opposite collocation have two dangerous consequences, first will be so harming for your body, and second one will lose wonderful seconds to catch up the ball and get the dominancy on the point, is unbelievable as can observe permanently in a lot of players with splits that mechanic mouses without essence lost a lot points through of don´t make questions about a wrong mechanical teaching that works in a too dangerous opposite way to the mind-body.


I don’t want to talk about my players because I haven’t been able to see more….. simply that wanted to share a little strokes about that I can offer and as the instantaneous you can get the results in your perfomance, but about that inside and out of the court have the level of dancing on. 

About Spanish players as proud spanish that I am, well coudn’t see anything, but the reactions and characters the end point coudln’t find the performance wished as limit your level perception, means to take perspectives that didn’t block the bodies, so it can hold firstly in tactics plans as well. 


About the Novak Djokovic’s Case in a way together with the diplomacy’s mess that Nadal made out, sincerely is as to make long video ad explain a lot. When worked in The Tennis Queen’s Club, was lucky to catch up three clear memories, all the spaniards’ players analysing through of the tv the match that was on play on the center court between other two spanish ones, the 45 mins where Toni was giving a motivational speech to Rafa after he lost in the first round against dolgopolov, in a dressing room almost empty, just me, and the 1h and 30 mins of friendship between Rafa and Marc López with the dressing room empty, again just me, so in the all cases made to observe and listening, without any bad intention in, just because the tennis means a lot on my life and wanted understand, learn and about all as the useful I could be there (On tennis without sign any particular level); about that last matter at The Tennis Queen’s Club, that let me to take a lot of information from every detail, even if keep to talk about Nadal, exactly the same through of the three spanish tv shows that he was recently or even in Youtube on the interview with Nico Rosberg…even when visit his academy few years ago once left from The Tennis Queen’s Club and came back Spain for a short time to work with my coach and get ready to the way that chose and still pursuit as well.  


As said in a recently post:

” Don’t mix up that is MENTAL FORCE ( That in the unique way to coming in is from OUR INNER FREEDOM) and that is THE RESILIENCE ( Opprosesion or Duty, depending of the context in that we are) , don’t have that clear is absolute step back to whatever kind of developing and even in advances on sciences researching “


My point of view in all of that is so clear, on that level of category that we are each other, must never mix the fact to be a so nice human being in relation to your emotional – psychologic level, means that it doesn’t have to get any relation with our social labour that is just connected with the point of personal development you have in, where everyone should be so responsbile with oneself, but the fear through of an inconscious absolutely robotic and grap in a hot point to a dominancy that is so make your feel live, can do a great damange to all a society that is not able to think by theirselves although think that they do, the psychologic is a tool so silence but in the same time is amanzing that can offer us if we want enough brave to grab it, well, either is good place in the other corner through of savages positions where was forget the point most important to grab whatever personal development, THE ROOT,  so is the most difficult but in the same time the most exciting point if have the ability to read it, will be a turning point to whatever human being, great benefits in armies, athletics,…etc…

Right now, must be aware that between as the politic games as the dirty journalists that said or writen stupid things on the medias to light on a fire inside of a herd without critical thoughts as common sense neither through of throwing as lies as an infinity of outrages that absolutely are not on relation with the facts the situation developed on, and that in the case through of the whole protocol that Djokovic was following up neither, although in some details can or can’t be on agree with the process, so just pretend to face to everybody each other, in a situation that doesn´t have any relation between the choice about getting the jab in yes or jab not, all that is much more serious is a macabre game about our own freedoms, but before the collective freedom must be on presence the inner freedom of everyone, without being aware about our inner freedom as living being that we are, will result totally impossible to get in the any personal development and of course also to get a society able to live through of their own natural freedom


I told in a post recently as well:

” Every human being must be conscious about his own inner freedom in the same time to understand the complexed of it, to after to be able to grab a collective freedom, is that will protect us and eveyone of us, through of a healthy mind-body that hide inside a poweful level of development where its initial point that mark and will mark whatever event around of it will be our psychology interelation that is integrated in “


About the words that said Nick Kyrgios in relation to Novak Djokovic:

” I am agree in a high porcentage, right now Djokovic will be much more dangerous, it will gave him more inner force, because forget his story of life, that has lived in and where he is now, it is so easy for a herp without brain in, but also can get to be a huge laundry of emotions for him, where I am not so sure that he can be ready to manage that level of emotions of couse his root of development don’t show that was his point of begining in, however that I am absolutely sure that he is gonna to recive a quatruple or quintuple support on everywhere of the planet, because his fight is a fight to everyone, and there are a lot people that on society prefer to save silence but to show on public look like private way that support they will do it. ” 


Insist haven’t wanted to talk about too much in the Analysys as individuals as about the matches, because always try to be respectful, grateful, humble and empathic with everyone human being without being place in where get more accurancy, simply want to leave a few strokes, one more time about the level of issues that I could offer there, insist make that because simply in a consciouness’ job to share my inner, my music, a try to give my help without expecting anything just feel so happy with myself to be a good human being with the neighbour or at least it tries while do everything the best I can do it, so feel so sad when someone blocked me on whatsapp when on the bottom of their heart have a lot esteem as have showed it many times, but the fear to open theirselves something different can be scared. My sincere apologises, here to learn and help. Thank you.




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