Well, Dear Reader, Wimbledon is over, completely over till next year, if we look at just the things have in front of everybody won’t realise about another details where really the power of the change is. Look at just the things that have light, victory, tastes, awards, aplauses or whatever another things that create distraction of the details really important and that make the change. Right, all that is fantastic, the environment of the AELTC, that you can be able to see tennis on live on different categories, really amazing, but without balance then we will lost inside of an atmosphere opposite to the reality and that won’t help to built a tennis with great, authentic and pure in sports and human values.

An Point about the final have played last sunday, 10 of june, Raonic seemed like a robot, a little bit calm, with a system in his memory, but ¿where was his soul? and ¿his heart? and ¿his essence?, repeat one time more, never I have seen a number one at his/her sport to get to be success like that. Invite you to make a reflexion about that, nothing is invented, you have the videos there.

Now, dear reader, after I have done the introduction, let me to start with the analysis general of all Wimbledon championships have left to us, to be honest there are many information where could begin to work with the goal to improve that.

The points:

1. The tickets & the Queue.

The selfish interest with the “Queue”, when they are interested in creating a “Queue” they do, but when they don’t have any interest, limited to the access in, so I mean, all move the money, marketing and to sell any image, it could feel much more on the middle sunday and the last sunday. However, I would like to remind to the people from the high social position that ordinary people are human beings as well, to treat them like a rubbish bag or even a count of shit where play with them, with their feelings how they want, it is horrible, awful, don’t respect the nature of our essence and neither about the humans and sports values that in this case the tennis has on deep.


2¿What kind of players exist on the tennis tour?

  • Players who are too much familiarized with the victory and when they are losing a set, or a match, get to don’t manage their emotions very properly and have a total ignorance about that is the real suffering, but if is true that when have three or four lost in a row, then start to realise a little bit what is that, although with Ego and limited vision which make them to have problems to manage it.


  • Players who are too much familizarized with the loss and then they go to on court, completely without motivation, simply to see what happen, if the way turn on victory, oh, great, sorprise!, but without any confidence in theirselves that really can reach big targets, even before the tournament start, they already have fixed other events!. They go like losers and don’t feel that can have other level, feel conformist except when it turns on rarely.


  • Players that are authentics warriors but without any results or even lower of the expectations created, they are always in the same loop, because all time they need instructions, don’t have independence on court, follow a system and when that system stop to work during the match, thing that always happen, they get to stuck in different levels, because you need to put on much more, really your essence, your soul, your heart, your inspiriation, like you want to call that, dear reader, that is vital.


  • Players oblige to love the sport, having a lot of pressure and strict developement, so it does that they come with a lack of motivation and a lot of arrogance, is the way that they use to seek help on the world, you know, dear reader, they have a lot emotions and experiences hide inside, need to tell someone. Evidentely their attitude on court are don’t want to work too much, apart of feel tired very soon, becouse their level of somatization and movements are very high, and everything way of life for them are dark, didn’t able to see the light, the beauty in that situation.

Well dear they are the four main groups of players that there are on the tour, down my point of view, obviusly inside of every group there are different levels, so you could break down through of a family tree with theirs different levels on every group where you could see that more clear.


3. The medias. 

That point is someting known for everybody, so there are no too much to add, simply how they move to the crowd like a flock of sheep, creating fanatics, people that only know the top4 players (men) and two top players (Ladies), if you talk with them of other players they don’t have any idea even when they through in front of them on the practice courts area. Also how many drunks people were around of the courts, inciting them to come just “to have fun”, but in some cases like I have lived on a Roberto Bautista’s match or even worst in a Girls’ doubles junior match four guys treated them like if they were a lump of meat, it was disgasting, please that they are stil kids of about 17 years old, of course, I mean, right, they were so beautiful, but I go to watch tennis, if they wanted to watch other things please go another place, don’t come to a tennis club.

I think, that the medias are very responsible about all it, they invent a lot of news, nothing real in comparison with the nice atmosphere that there is in a dressing room, and that I have been able to see. Of course as well, everything that happen on court, or even around as they usually inflate it of a way completely brutal and painful for the society. That system is created like that, I know, but the pressure that are put down to the atheletes (all ages), no forget they are human being like you like me, is something very dangerous and cruel, nobody if you don’t live that inside can’t imagine that level of pressure they have to live with. Unhealthy.


4.The ball boys and ball girls. 

They are just kids, I can’t understand why have to run of a side to another side of court completely stressed and overwhelmed on levels very highs. They don’t need to do that, have enough time to do the things a little bit more calm. I ask mylsef, ¿Who does teach to these kids? ¿Why some atheletes don’t be more respecful and aware about them? (They try to do that your time on court is easier), well dear reader, In this point could do still much more questions.


5.The rest of staff. 

Include all staff who make possible that a tournament working properly and the players, guests, members and rest of public feel like at home. Security guys, kitchen, shop assistant, cleaners, locker rooms, managers,..etc and of course the ground floor. These last ones always seem that are just the unique staff working hard during the tournament. Really when you see players, coaches, guests, members, who through for different areas of the tournament and arent’t able to say a simple and easy “hello, how are you?”, to put out a little bit of education, feeling of greatiful, empathy, asertiveness and respect to other people that just are working for you, for your security, for that you have towels clean, the best food, every area clean,….etc where you can are confortable and without any complaints, simply just focus on your job, The tennis. All of them should be much more respecful with the staff. Transportable for day to day at the club. (Information checked on different chats with staff people of different areas)


6.The Chair Umpires and Linesman. 

There were some controversy with them during the three weeks, qualification and Wimbledon. On my point of view, think that should do to them some emotional test every six months, for my feelings I have seen someone that needed a break, a work about theirselves. Also it is true that on grass is no a easy job to see very clear the ball, but is no an enough excuse. A last point about them, the kind of clothes that they were wearing, they are chair umpires and linesman of a sport, dont work in an office, for example, all man had to take their tie and put on for inside of their intimate area. I would like to see where is the common sense, tradition right, but with balance.


7.The Legends of tennis & Gurus.

 Lately we can see like someones are in the box of the some players, others on TV, and others in both places. Really there are many that only have won 1 or 2 important titles even someone nor even it, however they live of that like if they know everything perfectly and have the key of success. It is true that there are some exception with common sense and intelligence, but I think one or two, no more, the sucesses of that colaboration, down my point don’t reach nor 1% of ending satisfaction. ¿do you know the worst, dear reader? that there are many of them very limited in some things, so looking for any answer, and is here where appear who talk smoke and mirrors (“Vende Humos” in spanish) to take adventage of ilussion that some legends have to continue learning still about things unknowledge for them, becasue they just think in their reputation and their Ego, that smoke and mirrors don’t care about anything, without of course forget the headache and their consequences that produce in the minds of the players who they coach.


8.The Bets.

That is very sad, I have seen that on live during the Wimbledon Qualification, I was talking with some of them, some spanish as well, even some of them are working in bettings, have days off, come around to check players where they can put their best bet. They don’t care tennis at all, for example, they go and bet on that a player will win a game 40-0, or one set on the tiebreak,….etc.. really very dirty, I guess that during Wimbledon happened as well, sometimes I had the feeling to know who was bet there, but is not easy to see who are there just for bets, however you can’t say anything, is a feel of total impotence and rage.

In this point dear reader, apart of that recently in another tournament happened some very dirty to a spanish player, I think that the ATP, WTA, ITF and all the different federationsgovernment must start to work hard with that, take very important decisions and try to solve since the root of the problem closest. Other detail important of that problem are on the top-players, I don’t want to give any names, but really many of them have won titles. done things on court really wonderful with a great succesful and still with posibilites to increasing, however all that, have been dirtied to their contracts outside of the courts with the different Cassinos, Bets, and other band nothing on relation with the tennis, nothing useful for a sport as wonderful as the tennis, in this case. I ask to myself, are they really interested on the tennis?  how much do they really mind tennis and the life? or just money gained on whatever cost?, could continue doing more and more questions to them about that, again invite to a reflexion, more for that kind of players.


9. The show on court go down in a high speed. 

Once, some years ago, a psychologist through of a social network, in a debate denied categorically that the sport on court were lost the game on. Obviously, dear reader, if there are less show on court is will be mutch better for some professions. Why? down my point of view, less show on court, create more frustations, stress, corporal tension, blocked minds, deliriums,….etc, without forget how oneself start to make a lot questions, and evidently want to find answers to all that questions, so dear reader, could you imagine the level of pression?. Who win with all that situation?, I will say you, some “professionals” who is on the circus and the “gurus”Who lost with all that situation?, I will say you, princiapally, the game on court, the atheletes, who are moved like pieces of chess, and afte of course the spectators.

Is not true that the show on court in many of the sports have gone down spectacularly?, dear reader, stop a second, and think about the formula one or cycling, how it was years ago, and how it is, now the atheletes use a earpieces (pinganillo in Spanish) “all under control”, there are no nature, no heart, no essence, everything is controlled and measured in millimetres, where is the essence? the heart? the soul?, in fact now on motorbikes they want to put it on as well.

Other example, how have the last celebrations of football been?, in the last Eurocup, or Champions League or wathever other competition, the show on the field have been too boring, very few goals, with too much control for the side of the coaches, maybe chairmans as well and other influences, don’t they, dear reader?. Really want to have everything under their control, that when it slips out of their hands, lost the sense of the reality, the tension go up, the players feel that, and finally the last option to add a defense more, and defend the back, the essence, the heart conspicuous by its absence, and after we see cases like Real Madrid or Portugal that year where the people say is a bad joke that those teams have won the title, the analysis must be deep, but I won’t do it in that article, symple don’t forget to put more heart, faith than control, because never will have the control of everything.

In the rest of the sports, swimming, running, golf,…exactly the same with some differences, anyway in all sports we are jump some important periods on benefit of the money and the results, however curiously except a pair of cases, with results worst accompanied of a very poor game on court, sadly reflected in the inner situation of the athelete, where on tennis is popularly known as a direct game, but evidently the explanations are all here, dear reader. Ask to myself when we realise that the best results are those which will take out from our heart, our soul, basically since our unique and pure essence, in fact with much better results in every field of our circle which our life is composed.

Please, nobody should show doubles standards, neither use excuses and self-deception and much less put your hands on your head about where the show is at nowdays. Clearly the show is on the speaker, on the medias and on the grandstand, but no on the court, really my feeling that or there are changes or if no in a few years the show on court will be losed bring with itself all the sports and human values. It is true I have brought that to the extreme, but is the reality, just check on tv (I have been able to see on live) all the emotionals behaviours of the atheletes on court, dear reader, I leave you a question, are we machines or just a specie of living being who habit in that planet?


10. THE STORY lived on the practices courts.

Well dear reader, as friday as saturday (8 and 9 of july), after I have been fo a while on meditation with myself around of AELTC and also on some empty practice tennis courts on both days, had the gift to presence a story with two chapters really wonderful but in the same time painful for the tennis, for the kids and for the society. 

On Friday evening, when I was on the first two practice tennis courts on the view gallery, heard the noise of two rackets were playing, then minutes later after of my meditation, I went beside of the two first courts to see that  there was there, like that, met all courts empty less one, in that court there were two children of 8 years old each one, brothers of two juniors Wimbledon Competitors. Really they have already spent about 3h 30mins playing, and my person spent another 1h 30 mins watching that, when saw it, I was very aware about that I had to be until the end, much more suprises would waited to me, it was.

Well, dear reader, when arrived, some people were already watching to them, two security guys (woman & man) and another guy, that last one wasn’t so much time, because the rest of the crowd were on the hill, nobody was there, just me, in one of that moments, one ex-chairman of the Real Madrid Cf, Ramón Calderón, dropped up there, just two minutes, so I was talking with him, curiously he asked me about different children categories, very interested on that.

Come back to the side most important of the history, once that was there, I was listening to the securities guys was saying and looking them as were atonished with the play of both children and where were cheering up with focus on the score, and on my opinion, ignoring the most important thing that they were children. They were in that moment 5-5 on the last set, but they weren’t play any tie-break, just difference of two games, you know, dear reader, they were children, so with still the mind clean from egos and servilities, I mean, full of energy, never tired, when our mind is like that, there aren’t any power of somatization and other things around on. The boys continued playing for another hour more….

Meanwhile, I was able to observe some very bad habits that already the children have created and literally copied from their parents and the top-players, when two simples boys of 8 years old have taken it in, is a dangerous problem for their present and future, but about all their healthy and their game. The top players principally and the rest of the players as well should think a little bit before to do somethings, firt for theirselves and the second one because the children copy of them everything, becaue they are mirrors where look for them. From that typical clinics usually celebrated with children on every tournament could learn something each other if put more attention on every small detail of the event, and sure 100% transportable to theirs matches.

In all that story, dear reader, the worst situation come later, when arrived their owns parents-coaches, all in the same kit. First the parents of one of boys and a time later came the father of another boy. Believe me, it produced a total change in emotional stage of both childrens!. I felt with myself disappointed, upset, attonished, but didn’t record anything, obviusly because the children are minors and also for respect and education, but with that age the children have to play and learn of a way completely different where after when they cross the line between the adolescence and the adult stage implement that in day to day of theirs lifes (Invite you to read my article about the ages to understand that point much better).

When the first parents arrived, obviously, principally the father put the focus complently in his kid, the another guy was ignored, then that father, every time that the kid made a mistake, put himself too tense, and too strict with the kid in the same way that tried to explain how do well the hit, then always the mother had to interfere to relax to the father, it was constantly like that until the end, the father didn’t realise that problem the kid wasn’t as that didn’t know the technique, basically was a problem of stress, motivation and blocked emotional for the pressure when before that he arrived was only having fun with something that he love, tennis.

After came the second father with two of his childrens older than the another who was playing down, the oldest was playing the junior singles of Wimbledon 2016. This guy is a Hispano-Americano, his father is from Spain, but the children borned in USA. I knew that one of the boys who was playing down was spanish as well because the security guys told me, however for physicals signs intuited who was. when that father arrived and saw that he was spanish, I tried to talk with him in a friendly way, however it was very tricky, that was the conversation:

-Me: Hey, are you spanish, right?

Him: Yes, just me, they don’t.

Me: He is the brother of….(who junior player)

Him: ……He gave me the name. (I won’t say that here for respect). My son and the brother of anothe guy are the number 1 and 2 of world on junior category, completely proud (That’s normal but with balance would be better).

Me: Ah, Ok.

Him: are you coach?

No: Not yet, but I should do courses for that.

Him: Changed the view about me, and conversation end.

(That last thing, is no the first time that happen me, just because say to them, I am no coach yet).

The Intention of the father was pick up to his son, however, here I have to applause him, because he did it well, to wait till the match was over, although one of his children were complaint because she wanted to go. Meanwhille from the bars, he encouraged to his son, you only have to do is win, good good that you are winning…. For me, it is forgot that they were in a friendly match between friends, now well, it is true that he realised about some techiniques details where I didn’t detect just lack of pace, hopefully I had right now, that  wisdom as well, however I detect other things with a important influence on the game and on the life.

When that journey was end, let me on reflexion, without know that the next day, I would have one second half, but in this case, it just was with one of boys who were playing on the day before, but no the spanish boy if no the another one, who was with his mother and his father. In that journey was the mather as coach of him. Again, in this case, happened similar things to the day before, but in this occasion already one the security guy realised like me of the situation that had in front of us, about that was happing with that boy.

The mother on many moments was too strict, and the kid practically not even was able to listen, he seemed so boring and tired, but doesn’t physically tired, just emotionally, and the mother come to insist again and again to correct the hit the guy, in this journey were with the volley, after on line base. Anyway the situtation with the kid in some moments for didn’t make sense, in this case the guy like the other one with who was playing the day before have a techinique very development, so the priority should do different, because is no neccesary  too much insistence on the hit if no more focus in theirs emotional attitudes, that should be always the first prioity how they are travelling with you in every moment, and the difference between to know them properly and work about them and don’t do is brutal, belive me, dear reader.


Well dear reader, I consider that there is a point very impotant is that all atheletes have to play tennis since their essence, their heart, that are themselves without that any system or closed circuit cover to their essence, if they fall down on the floor that themselves get up, they have to learn to know themselves without hold on any comfort area. When feel that the system or the mechanism created on them is close, never will let to loose it, because will become their comfort area.

Basically with the adherences and the habits are already created, is when the player feels lost on court in much moments like we are watching many times lately. The job to get to take off all that adherences and habits in an adult period will be much more difficult that in a childhood period. We must respect our essence, our nature since practically have born, after all is workable, because for me the talent don’t exist, if no people with capacities to develop, think and feel that the word “talent” do too much damage in high porcentage of atheletes who want to live of their sport.

Basically, no just at Wimbledon Championships, if no on all the tournaments report to us a lot of information about where we have to work to improve don’t just the things more artificials if no all those details that really bring the change hidden available to all the people, is like take a camera with its objective and put on focus, where you are able to see everything sharp however there are no much people that when have the camera in their hands watch everything blur, so on that direction is very complicate to have a view looking forward, for that is very important the help each other, the sport, in this case tennis, is a example of that is happeining to our around. Well like I have said a little bit about there is a lot of homework to do, but in the same time think that is exciting, a great challenge where of course is necessary to leave out the egos and the superficial interests, look after that sport wonderfully called tennis.

Faithfully with affection,
A lover & respectful of the values and spirits of whatever sport but specially The hidden on tennis.