I had never imagine that an unique human being or better said the imagine sold on to the flock of sheep, could create too damage to all a tremendous social group, obviously I refer to RAFA NADAL’ case, because who understand about tennis, but about all those who know the psychology with solidity and depth through of theirs instincts will know between lines perfectly that I am talking about on that article and so have done reference in other occasions.
Really the human being has a memory very weak and lazy (fears!) on the time, because if we take the view back and for example we start to get a little chat about the sports’ world ( or Musician… civilian people as well)… who is able to remind the situation of Michael Schumacher, Pantani……, Jesús Rollán, Andrés Iniesta Michael Phelps, Naomi Osaka, the own Rafa… …. …. and I could go on (un largo ecétera), where someone sadly have died on the way, others paid or are still paying physical or mental issues or even got both of them….. and then put our focus about as was their behaviours, attitudes and the consequences….(before, during, after of their careers).. so with all that information behind plus all a good knowledge about our brain-mind can observer that Rafa’s case is going too far away If we talk on psychological terms.
* We must forget the psychological states from many of the coaches as well where sometimes some of them are involving on positions with a huge infuence in the career of the other students or about their own players as well…and the consequences in the works as team…
As defender of the mental health until the end as also I am (or at least put everything on) a solid driving (Impulsor) through to share out all my personal wisdom about where must be focused the investigations but about all to show as through of a natural psychology development the brain of a human being is able to respond to a brutal levels that will go where we want, completely clean and without limits on the skyline ever, means that get to be an authentic soldiers in every components of our human chart, that feeling that so the human (Scientists, Athletics…etc.) want to get in for theirselves, their teams or their own business, when the brain is get to place on that position, believe you are able to support all that kind of extremes circunstances in a high permanent level, because one of that reasoning, is that you are cross to a state of a total integration of freedom, so means hold up on your hands a basic tool is that will place to your brain far away of the any kind of attachments “fakes states of relaxing”, is look like a escape road to the sel-deception. HERE IS THE THE TOWER OF THE BABEL for all the sides!!!!. A BLIND FEEDING EACH OTHER! If at least were able to develop the rest of the senses on the same level!…
Sincerely, after of reading some journalists’ articles or read post and comments on the social networks about the Rafa’s Match against Shapovalov in that case, but is something that on the last years was slippery from the hands while was cut off whatever who was on the middle of the way, through of create a levels of SELF-DECEPTION to all sides while on the same time have gone normalising facts that are full of very dangerous psychology’s issues that are always solved with external factors when should be done through of a hard and individual inner job.
That is the key that come ti the cruel reality:
OBSESSION IS NEVER A PASSION, is a hyperactive and blind behaviour where you see everything on the same line, nothing more exist at all, obviously the body in its traveling to that unconscious and then after has to come back to its conscious area, needs to bring the things to its system where obviusly are forced to respond in some way to keep its balance for itself. Dear reader that is REALLY IS VERY DANGEROUS, and make a huge difference in all process on. The copy of that, much better said just go outside and see the facts already are talking from long time ago.
(That next three lines on Spanish language).
The official Definition about that means the word OBSESSION thourgh of the RAE: (REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA):
1. f. Perturbación anímica producida por una idea fija.
2. f. Idea fija o recurrente que condiciona una determinada actitud.
About the word PASSION, the Rae mix it up with the relegion so is chaotic the definition, but that concept let to leave you to find the meaning….just will begin your reflection with two characteristcs that are basic from my point of view inside ot the concept of the PASSION, that are the fineness and the sensibility……keep going….
You know dear reader, that the dirty habit to cross the reality about that think are watching on there to the opposite about that really is happening to an information most closing to the essence of the individuo, here make a small break, he deserves the word “LEGEND” with all their capital letters, but that I am trying to make reference, is crossed a line or better said double lines of movement:
- The FORMATION. Where the disorder, the chaos through of getting a mix of components as if were set of chemicals where are human being so idiots that think that if mix everything up, is nothing to happen, then will be almost a SUPER RAFA as well, so the explosion, the burnout or whatever you want to call it, is a delicious hot dish. At least from my observation have seen very little individuos if we talk about tennis (Coach, personal trainer..on special) that had so clear every million of points that manage every movement of the body, as technically as physically, doesn’t matter if it is on public places or about big names of academies, is a really disorientation. Better is not get in to the national federations or private institutes that bring you a paper to define you as….X. (Of course there will be some minimum exception).
- The PSYCHOLOGY. Here, take a gesture more serious, because at the end the influence on the formation is brutal as predectible on consequences that could be avoid in. Our brain – Mind must have but about have the enough ability to grab for itself to a branch of development athough it can be so tiny, sincerely its ability of the extension is as the faster and silence movement of a snake, believe me that has force to catch up high brutal levels of actions without need to unsettle its conduct or even pretend to cheat it, but I will say one thing, as more times you are forcing the unnatural development of itself, more drastics consequences will find in with the communication, transference and navegation of the same circuit of that initiated channel in. A clear example, if think about electrical construction of a building where are going to place the cables or interwine them, so has very clear the functionality, the intense and the electric respond, means as goes to dive inside to that instancts a posteriori follow the order commanded in, so our brain in high exposure (my life has a lot to talk about it) can gain a tough levels of holding up but of course that if there are not a knowledge about it, there will on thereby a self-sabotage that will go up step by step in a silence way.
* Obession is not passion, so should know their differences but about all that are able to identify every detail on the benefit of all sides involved in. The common good should be marked in our forehead!.
I can’t finish the article without finished with a honest words before that some hyena jump on my jugular while try to choke my person on the way; as you can see I haven’t wanted to get in about the infinites details from the kind of colours during that Australia Open and from many oldest events, because is not necessary, the education must be first, but if you are psychology or have a depth relation with that amazing field as between lines as have said before as through of your own readings must be to interpretate because if it is not like that, then stop and work yourself before to pretend to put your hand on others.
There is a strong and direct sentence that said me when was 23 years old: ” Carlos, are you to help someone or are you to contaminate in that moment?…” the respond was clear on that period as was also the honestity of the question.
Those who know my inner, means my person know perfectly although don’t have a high level of psychology or even about tennis or even on the inverse as well of course, anyway that get to lost on my way, whatever level that have, they are aware that pretend to transmit with that article as with all the set of actions that tried to bring out, through of that website, my social networks or much better and my preference in nowadays in a FACE TO FACE, because that beautiful is able to feel to the human being and even receive all kind of criticism that push you to grow up more and more while go bracing the small issues that always are pendind to improve without breaking in.
Therefore, Insist I don’t have anything against Rafa, have had him with me at the Queen’s Club, one of days more than 1h, just Rafa, Marc Lopez and me in an empty dressing room (story too much repeated, tired even myself to tell out), so admire and respect his ability of fighter between others many details even humans as well, but there are situations about psychology that have created a precedent that every time is more and more intense, which is too harmful as for himself as of course all of that flock of sheep because through of their beliefs (fears) and the own system word to mouth.
Simply want to alert about it, because right now more than ever, need to get a huge responsability about that are saying or transmiting out specially if one moves mountains too huge that even are unmanageable for oneself, now that it is the area that if can control ourselves as all that can be interpreted for the neigbour is not in our control nor is nour responsability neither, but as much more can take care about who are on essence and in the same time that are transmiting out there through of all our language as verbal as corporal without giving a shit about that others think about us, so are getting to be enough brave with our own unsecurities (own fears) then will be creating the real benefit that pretend or wish to bring to the society and ourselves as well later on.