Dear reader, what things could I say about my compatriot, who championed my country in these Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro , and his performance during this week there in Rio. I think that you can agree more or less on some things, but criticizing for criticizing, without knowing details, without having papers on the table and without knowing someone in depth personally, is so easy and so cruel, simply because you don’t You move, even if you fall, you feel envy, instead of gratitude, one of the worst traits that a human being can have, above selfishness, is ingratitude, basically because blind, your vision is non-existent. 

About Rafael Nadal , in the last in my country, Spain , although also abroad, basically worldwide, however as I am Spanish, I will base myself on what I experienced there and here in the UK . In Spain , where it seems that people deny being Spanish, once they leave its borders, as I have seen in London and even in the Wimbledon Championship , with Hispanic-Americans, everything that is Spanish we whip up without further ado.

Rafael Nadal , was accused of not paying his taxes in Spain , to equal that Fernando Alonso and many other athletes, as is an issue not know, without papers or information to criticize nor I can think criticize that part of Rafael Nadal , it would not be ethical or moral, let’s say it would be extrapolated as what happened with Brexit, here in the UK , what information did the population really have to vote to leave or stay, without more than the use of the Ego?, Because with Rafael exactly what same.

Then also in recent years, it is still quite current in many, on the street, in the club where I am now working, … etc … literally sending Rafael Nadal to his house, to retire, which he does not do anymore. Nothing, that if he has left, that if he has returned, .. wow … you are left with an annoyed face, from the passage of love to contempt in a matter of a short time, and the little appreciation and above all respect, no longer for Rafael Nadal tennis player, but the Rafael Nadal person, because behind a work identity, there is a human identity, where it is seldom known what personal experiences he has had and how he will react to any situation in high and low peaks.

To finish the matter with Rafael Nadal , now they are all coaches, and they know what this player or that one needs, in this case Rafael Nadal , to throw out his uncle-coach, to change racket and brand of racket, hey maybe they are Changes that would be good for him, because any change in our emotional-human-labor process is essential, but if he has not asked you about the change, why should you give him his opinion? You must find yourself alone, and we only have to answer if they ask us, which by the way, it is something that I myself, I must apply myself much more.

Dear reader, if you remember and have read my article The Nadal’s Case , sorry, it’s all in English, if you haven’t read it, I invite you to read it, what I criticize there is what is popularly known as “THE BAD LOSING” , although with my personal lap. Where by the way we do not forget all opinions are criticisms, from the moment you open the voice until you close it, they can be constructive or destructive, but everything we speak during the day is critical, it is our language , however criticism should never transfer to the line of the person (we are made up of three types of maturity, emotional, human and work ).

As I recently spoke with my brother-in-law, really the inhuman pressure, because it is something that you cannot see or touch, but you do feel that people like Pau Gasol have to endure , now at Spurs, Fernando Alonso, Messi, Mireia Belmonte, Rafael Nadal and many other athletes that I have not named, …. etc .. by the press and in turn the contamination in society, is so great and hard, that no matter how much the excuse is used that they earn many millions of money, we must not forget that we are human beings, like you and me, dear reader, nothing different, true also, the athletes themselves must realize it.

Once, having explained the situation that Rafael Nadal has had to live up to now, allow me to enter into the two faces that Rafael Nadal has left us in Rio de Janeiro:

1. The Titan , that fireproof warrior, fighter, who leaves every last drop, for him and his country, with absolutely nothing to reproach him, just applaud him, be grateful and acknowledge his effort, to satisfy himself and others. Of course at this point I cannot forget Roberto Bautista Agut, Albert Ramos and David Ferrer , who have also been.

Without forgetting Marc Lopez , where many have wanted to undervalue him in detreminent Rafael Nadal , something that also happens to the rest of Spanish and non-Spanish players, why deny it, however in this case he renames more now, because two friends together, they won the GOLD medal at the Rio Olympics , proclaiming themselves Olympic champions, which by the way, where the different rivals that were eliminated were tall rivals. 

Rafael Nadal and Marc Lopez , gave us something precious, above metal, and that is that you can train, work hard, dedicate twenty thousand hours to it, but there is something called “connectivity”, that’s what I call it, which is more of a job. Personal, more than a part to train, that energy you have or you don’t have, with unity you have, if that happens, and both put equally, the wheel turns alone in the natural sense of life, exactly the same as Feliciano Lopez and Marc Lopez , when they won Roland Garros, it was essential to have fun and not obsess over it. Marc Lopez is a very intelligent player, although he lacked the mentality to play in singles, part of the success in Rio is also his, let’s not forget it or take it from him.

2. The “NO” management, popularly known as the BAD LOSING,  well in this we saw it at the end of the game with Juan Martin Del Potro , gesture and situation nothing to do with what Novak Djokovic generated the other day, this is the real problem of Rafael Nadal and his demotion in individual category. Against Kei  Nishikori it was no less, in fact there was a detail, really wonderful, at least for me, however the press is left with the “vulgar”, the anger of Rafael Nadal and Conchita Martinez because Nishikori did not return from the dressing room and it took as long as 10-12 minutes. 

Rafael Nadal like Conchita Martinez , they were with the same thought, now that I am going up, it cuts my rhythm, the anger begins, the discussions with the chair umpire, the world war, with everyone who was close, instead of opening your vision and trying to see the positive part of having 12 minutes to yourself !!!!, if it may seem absurd but at the same time super positive, if you are able to manage it through the good side of things.

Let me explain, if those 12 minutes instead of dedicating them to arguing, you stop, and take your attitude towards the following: ( What does it give you to argue about something that is not under your control? ).

1. You take deep, heartfelt breaths,

2. You observe around you every beautiful detail that you have around in a stadium you have infinity, stands, lines, picks up balls, judges, staff … they always leave without almost not realizing it,

3 .Vas letting your body go slowly relaxing internally trying not to cool, obviously,

4. You do stretching, you have kind gestures, of gratitude and not that everyone is going against you, …….. etc

To name some details that could have been done, then I am sure that the set would have been different and even if the feeling is lost too, so that you understand this point a little more dear reader, I invite you as I mentioned before to read my article the Nadal’s Case , from the first articles of this blog.

Ultimately, reader, a “BAD LOSING” is much deeper than not knowing how to lose, and not seeing the infinity of details, or rather not seeing them the way they should be seen to appreciate them as those details really deserve to be appreciated. Which would imply in you, an internal calm very very close to the happiness we want.

Rafael Nadal has a lot to do in that, it is the only thing that I can reproach him with, and the rest of the things that he has offered us are indisputable and he has to make us feel proud that he is Spanish, although for me you gave a little of what he is or not mental strength, a concept that I will deal with, something badly spread in tennis and that generates chaos in players, basically in people, let’s not forget they are people before players.

A Hug and continue enjoying what Rio continues to leave us in the rest of the disciplines.

Faithfully with affection,
A lover & respectful of the values ​​and spirits of whatever sport but specially The hidden on tennis .