il y a quelque supplémentaire, Des première Semaine, The French’s NAP et How much longer……?

Hi dear reader, although on my inner, yes repeat again on my inner, would wish to assess diferent tennis matches without taking care about the category or said in other words talk directy about tennis, but it just can happen if I am on present because have a lot ethic that it means have a healthy guilt consciouness, it is no about to have respect (EGO) is just about to place on a level of empathy that let grab an immense valuable information to the neighbour who could feel affected for that situation that came or that could come up.

Once said out that introduction, can’t look to other side to situations that is umpleasible still happen in nowadays through of a world that the plan-demic have left out a ocean as transparent as a drop water about where are in psychology terms (human, emotional and spiritual), even in the own psychology the war between them is too high where everything is moving through of the same reason, power and ego or ego and power, doesn’t matter the order on, so serves on the table a plate of food that is equal that delivery a tray with smoke but without ingredients on that in some way through of the time will make an inner conflict on.

So let me now divide brief that article in few areas on.


USA and their last sad story with the weapons.

As someone who have grown up with a high hypersensiblity (Before called phobia on psychology), and super next to the weapons, through of festivals was celebrated arounds, as hunting grounds that there was around of the country but about all an specific area of military training so close where spent a lo time during the year. I mean that should be just used on situations strictly necessary and that practically the immense society mustn’t have access to get one, although probably some would say out, well but through of strict psychology’s test, the matter is that sincerely the demand in relation of that is being poor, limited, robotic and even is being centralised to patterns that place in a clear evidence that psychology although is being considered a science by itself still is too much far away of grabbing a consistency in demanding out, so from my point of view is scared me, but not to my person just in as it is going permanently to impact in others as also is very sad because have a lot of micro-information already on the table but that our waste of time through of surfing over trails that don’t make difference, means are not pyshological constructs that push us to go up, on specially two of them, the reason and the infliction, two great friends of the melody of the self-deception. 

Now, looks like that is much important to be an obsesive compulsive to destroy humans to get an ulimited number of lifting up trophies to the sky while make them our maximum idols or that is much worst to make them referents about the development of our own life through of grabbing a press manipulation that pushing you to a way or other, love or hate, but never to see the real truth of the context, while applause blinding on many of issues that to be honest are not normal in a healthy and powerful mind on.

As said the coach of the WARRIORS, THAT IS ENOUGH!, but is not just with the weapons, also through of playing constantly with the health of the humans beings at least from people who have a lot voice but their personal development is a poor as limited, where fears through of their Ego that work a shield to make out a way drastically so different between that are saying out and that are acting after out, because the ignorance and the cowardice to go up first with theirselves is too much, so is better use a fake image that don’t represent anything and at the end to make a lot damage to a general society that don’t know where they are neither. 



”  The flock don’t need a sheep (Borrego) that have deliveried out a lot millions of money to good cause, need real facts through of behaviours where could be contemplated a character and a personality that show out an real identity by oneself and to the rest of the society, think that if we talking about sports, from Kobe Bryant, haven’t had anyone who represent it properly, in tennis is everything a fake bubble where have lost absolutely the head on, because who must be a true example are being absolutely the opposite as for the young generations, as to natural tennis community, I AM SO SORRY BUT THE ESSENCE IS LOST through of power, money and interests (EGO), after cynically we are crying to situations that can be avoid on “.


The health of ATHLETICS.

Really following about the content showed in the previous point as the relation is very high obviously, and in the same line of hardness, in the last months, weeks,…etc.. the crowded have been able to read articles that looks like to be that the information said out for athletics as an excess of manipulation on is considered as a standard thing ( “normal” ), means that is seen as logic, nothing that could bring up our hands, of course that I am talking about the abusive using of the anti-inflammatory medications, the excess of protagonism of the doctors so have created a feeling of co-dependency but about all a levels of psychomatization that are sincerely super dangerous as to scream up in arms, because are talking about something that is very serious and that is a first branch to the development of psychology and of course psychal issues absolutely avoidable from a very good psychopterapeutic job; the two great enemies from all of that is to negate eveything from the own person and that rest of the group or society applause as something ordinary about details that are not and that in some way before or after our body-brain have to respond to that issue that is receiving in. 

Maybe I am wrong or don’t, but have the absolute freedom to feel on myself through of a wide spectral field, about all the most vulnerable population who is suffering much more the consequences about the choices that are being grabbed for those called “professionals”, once done and after in a short time cover for the habit and holding down by the Ego, is converted in chronic way about the unpredectible reactions out if we talk about terms of intensity, mean that two common ways are the early diagonsis ( ” Sobre diagnóstico ” ) offer medications that is out of place and the other way is to ignore that is happing really, both ways as in the same box of beginning, as the first creates layers behind other to push to a field of self-comfort while the other one is keep in a way of negation about the facts.

Sinceraly as dangerous that creat a society in a permanent sick state that need models that at the end represent issues that way on the same direction, which pull to ask myself, where are the codes of good professional conducts on in nowadays?  (Doctors, Physios, Trainers, Athletics….etc…) sincerely don’t everything is right to get out temporal goals that have a limit time of duration exactly the same line of time that Ego in its maximum expression on, however the consequences if that will let in, probably on silence first but visible at all and after in conditions that won’t be able to hide anymore.

How long are going to keep that more on?, that make me throw away a nord in unition about that have previously commented above and that the own coach’s warriors said, need voices, yes, we need, but voices that honestly have effort value to show out that is a true leadership, a true example between facts, opinions and points of view in, a solid representation about who we are and that don’t push to own colleagues’ profession as to the rest of the society to develop abilities that doesn’t exist and that will never represent the unique essence belonging to everyone, like that as that the ability to use the external services is when is strictly needs instead of doing of that a kind of habit that put our brain-body absolutely away of its natural force while through of our darkness lies pushing to the body to a limit that is careless of common sense as minimum in.

It is moment to stop about that are doing on, grab quality choices that as the use of weapons as whatever kind of pyrotecnia must be in power of whatever human being, but about all the first tool is create honest examples of mental health, mean that take care about the mental health of the living beings (included all the animals, about the dog’s world, that also know well is a parellel line of the owner’s emotional state) as is or should be the first priority that will do a better community service to everyone, all of the rest that push us to keep our mind on ignorance states will an ocean of living in a slippery floor about that will lost our balance on which it involves as well that who wish to have voice or that simply have grabbed them by the development of their profession getting a tremendous influence must change the focus, apart from that have already commented previous paragraphs about mental health, psychomatization, habits,..etc.., a basic fact is that are able understand as build a line that their inners ways don’t depend to make people fanatic ( a game between hate – love – defiance ) as in the same time to make that the fanatics don’t depend of them to feel alive in theirs frustated lives on, that all intention, motivation and growth come in through of representations that address each other to a way congruent as determining in the consistent develop of life.

If take now and move all the focus on tennis is to take a serious critical specially many of the players that lately as professional show out a very poor bagage in relation to behavious that place their mental health and to the rest in fakes states of irreality, but about all also to coaches as an Ethic Professional that jump for a side to other, but that at the end the improvement about every player they touched isn’t there, even create a mental risk as inside as outside of the court sincerely dangerous in, as have repeated through of article also the image that although it doesn’t look like in some point get through in to the humans who follow it (Placing to the fanatic or ordinary people in a hot fake point without conscious at all), to self-responsible must already be a right if don’t just an personal obligation in.

As have said the Warriors That it is enough!!!, how long more do we need to wait for?, add as everything is in relation with the mental health, Weapons, phsycal problems (a good job, read and observation, the chronic point is avoidable), brain – system nervous……., so what do you want to do now?



Jo Wilfried-Tsonga, Giles Simon, my story with them at The Queen’s Club during the DAVIS CUP and other facts along of that week.

Honestly from the ending of the last year, still along of that year will get more retirements are contemplating as many players are saying goodbye to their professionals careers, players like James Ward, Guillermo Garcia Lopez, Kevin Anderson, Johanna Konta, Asleigh Barty, Jo Wilfried Tsonga, Kiki Bertens, Timea Baczinsky, Leonardo Mayer, Viktor Troicki, Horia Tecau, Paolo Lorenzo, Giles Simon in the next dates between others plus still on and on, the feeling at least from my inner is that in all of them there are a common point, that must do in total relation to everything that have previously commented a deep reflection specially to all of that “supercoach” as about the way of education that is addressing on from long time ago in general focus without excluding any culture, it means that retired between a felling of hate and love for tennis with the emotions up and down without a inner balance that sometimes to cut the dry branch without doubts at all is the best inner cure as long as our focus don’t go away of a wound that must treat as soon as possible that doesn’t let it can cover for a external factors (human & material) that won’´t have a great solid status to that the trigger come back again, on my way to see the life the human being must a human self-independent instead of being a sef-interdepedent as the drastics consequences that has in.

About Tsonga and Simon, have a funny story about when I was woking in the Queen’s Club, so was so lucky to live on live a round of Davis Cup between Great Bretain and France (2015), so in the begining was addressed to be downstairs with the France Team during all the week of the Davis Cup, however in a moment that had to leave from my position to attend a request, a guy from the company’s laundry (External) went in without allowing at all, that issue made that team’s France felt upset, so decided to throw away to everyone, didn’t want anyone there, zero distractions, at least had enough time to observe details, work team, humor, the nice character of Simon or as Tsonga took a phsyo stretcher to get a shot nap before his match while was on play other one, was funny because could have a crash against the floor to whatever movement that he made but about all because the dressing room was downstairs next to the center court, so the noise was tangible and as that on my point wasn’t the best way to be on focus to grab strong on pitch, when had other facilities that had worked much better, so I know that everyone is a different world but all is possible to work in different ways, for that and other personal reasons will be opposite about pushing to the players to make RUTINES or HABITS that will limit the field spectral of concentration that in the same line will affect later to their different points of attention. 



About that first week of the Roland Garros, a thing very clear in relation to the WTA, the behaviour of the journalist is being as poor as dirty on development, must stop to make comparations all the time or push them about the rankings or if that should be like that or maybe in other way. It is true that the women hide less the emotions, express it out in some way that have a big influence about keeping the wrist loose and as every shot go in, or even in reactions psychal that their body can have on, but are details that in the trainings are tangible on for sure. 

However when we talk about in general ATP and WTA players, the patterns of them have followed a mainly line that haven’t finished in great chances over it, with games much more closed and careless of flexibility so make them that when take choices the field is being seen with a very narrow lens, mental stucks that change all the body and facial gesture after a great effort to pushing to the land, a lack of confidence but about all the level of self-deception between the confidence, self-confidence, and self-esteem, that feel that assist a field with a clear fredge frozen form is a reality that mustn’t be like that, doesn’t matter if it is on the winner or in the disaster, on both ways before or after will have the answer on, keep surfing in the same circle is a damage of tough consequences in.

Anyway, as have gone talking through of the article are right now till a emotional demanding that is not so different than old periods but if that have changed many of the external factors, their consequences and about all the time that noise, influence or persistence communicative stays in so involve an excess of inner issues that could look like light but that through of all that external influence plus a wide way that means a distance so far away from our personal roots that let to develop in all our potential, however permanently are moving judging between each other that means also to keep our gazing over the layer instead of going by underneath of it and then can do an accurance reading about what or which situation or person could have in front of us to help her or even that could give ourselves, because everything have its own reason of existence.

Let me to finish that article talking about my initial bet even still keep it to the end, when said that RG woud bring out with some surprises on, although expected much more, said that have seen to Wawrinka ready to go far if took risk, as some other more, like other players made now, and on ladies said that Kasatkina is in other level of rythms so doesn’t matter as it is going to finish when the context is works, details that if you are able to read without repeating patterns that at then although have a temporal sucess will get to finish over you.


” The warrior, the real warrior is that human being who is able to surf for all the stages in a rythm as consciousness as balanced in development and execution that will leave to our body alwasy in the exit’s position totally ready to the new destiny without any consequences in but about all in other dimensional level where never stop to grow in a congruent way that is the pure health from where will be able to throw out our better weapons without losing nature consistency at all, a Warrior have the enough bravery with itself at the end “.

” We musn’t move between the hate or the love if not that would have to provide toughness, consistence from the human and the ethic, from that state of minimum empathy is the only way where help to the athletics to develop from essence without placing out in a high risk to lost it through of the movements of stages that place his mind and body restricted of nature resources which are able to manage in and out of the court “.


So it is enough to keep playing a game that is extremadely cruel as who win as who lost, because both cases have being pushing a feeling of interdependence that when more wide and thick is going to make year by year, then have it to convert in a psychologic issue as dangerous as that the own body can’t resist at all or that simply keep our steps underneath about the potential that could offer out. Now have a shining way to don´t keep closed in old thoughts that pushing out an involution that will damage to the global group at the end. IT IS ENOUGH IS MOMENT TO BE AS HONEST AS BRAVE!.




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