Dear reader at the end I couldn’t resist to write that article as other three more that I am working on, because after that take out the news about the retirement of Juan Martin Del Potro, and start to read or even listen too many things about the context in relation with the injuries, the high performance on the elite,…and etcetera…. but even don’t just about Del Potro, also involving to others players, females and males, like that as moving in a varity of contexts and of course all a huge distorsion of the Rafa Nadal’s Case (that will attack in other article where will analyse details that should be so clear to that the rest don’t go to damage out).
Practically is imposible to read or even listen some kind of self-criticism on relation to two facts that is coming up too fast and without brakes on, but what could be much worst than all of that?, simple that the human beings are in poor level of consciousness as to find the solution and bring it out. The two facts are:
- Physical Injuries. Obviously there have always been it around, however never on the level that we are find on, doesn’t matter about which sports are happening on, although is very important to remind that on individual sports are surfing in other dangerous level.
- Mental Health – Psychology issues. Sincerely that is being too brutal as the issues are involving on and on, while are pushing the emotional psychologic chaos that give as outcome an emotional noise absolutely outside of control while try to find the solution through of two paths of action: Copying to others, or just take a tight up position with a short-sighted vision.
All that days have justly listening or reading a lot of the external excuses, means reasonings where are seeking a kind of comfort that give us a calm next to our mental abilites, so open in our way a power of reasoning that let us to justify every situation without taking any kind of own responsability while lost ourselves in a ocean of material situations that honestly don’t have any value, just the impulse that we want to give it to grab our unconscious mirrow in others.
Let me go to a point more straight away from the context that I am covering here, well all action have consequences, in the life nothing is coming out by pure chance, absolutely everything have had a previous content of information to grab it and go there to catch the solution up, however is more easy that we get lost between the basic facts, so I mean, well explain like humans that have to go counting one by one to that it can go in in their narrow brain, for example in next cases:
- Juan Martin Del Potro, with technique so tight up when the wraist must be super soft while do a extension with the arm…., between other issues..
- Andy Murray, and his moviments attachement to the hip because practically didn’t use the core at all, take videos from Before Murray and the player he is now, the difference is clear…
- Nishikori….a clear example as two coachees outside of rhythmic dynamic and psychologic can create in mess up…. For example Caverzachi,…other doubles players,…etc… could name more in that kind of pattern..
- Raonic…. The informative chaos…will never forget nor when I had him with me on the Queen’s club as about all the distaster and surrealistic emotional situation that live during a training on the Mutua Open Madrid,…that looked like that alll of that inner chaos would finished at Rome, all to correct small tecniques details…when everything is easiest….. Here other cases with influence of the before spanish federation´s chart (An excuse about the experience to the same level of mental chaos)
- Wawrinka… with an apprehension muscle, shorts movements, and dynamics weights…
- Thiem…. here could do memories about those imagen that sold us about his training on the forest….. don´t use the balance on context have its consequences, also there are details that are similar to the Delpo´s Case….
- Rafael Nadal…. a memory to the past that practically give us an identity about him….remind the ATP CUP 2021, if my memory is not cheating me, Rafa decided to retire from a problem in his back, backache I think, well, during the tournment was on the bench, support to the rest of the team,… however here come a key example of many of injuries on his long career,… if you have a issue in your back as he had, the gesture and his way to sit down on the bench was completely when you get an apprenshion like that, because instead of opening spaces, you are closing so it will work in the opposite way doing that the nervous thrust like a needle, here is the key could appreciate many moments that he had to keep on standing up close to the channel that is the access to the dressing room, so were all time combinating both positions,…. so that aussence of emotional intelligence through of level on absence of consciouness have played absolutely in opposite way to the health of his body….other things are the dominancy and the levels of the competitiviness….. (Like said in the beginning on that article will attack all of relation about the mentality and competitivity of Rafa in other article..)
- ….. like that could be named players on and on, even females… doesn´t matter the ranking, whoever….
That I pretend say out with all with all of that context is that practice whatever sport in a high performance level, on elites championships have a level of punishments before you getting in, however all the job that you make before will reduce drasctically all the consequences while getting to redirect the weigth of the demand have the movement inside of that kind of stages, but WILL NEVER BE the real consequences about the problems that can acdquire in, because it is on object immovable and intrinsic however the human being is moveable, so can change his motions, means that can and must evolution in his inhibition, here is where we open the door to infinites planes on.
Sincerely that article must be taken seriously as sport coaches, psychologists, physiotherapist and personal trainers... here will do my last stop on that article, focusing in the first and the last ones, althouhg the psychologics could have their part of the dirty cake, well although all of that is being appreciated from outside, but the information is enought to anticipate to few things, as said to a friend that is coach and journalist, when was observing deails about the pre-seasons from the tennis players that after in the next tournaments have been giving the reason, detail that I hate at all, although as a proverb said ” That is not like is beginning if not that is just about is going to be at the end “, however to the facts must refer beginning for the most extrem case as it is about Del Potro, but if we travel to those who are playing now, there are the facts are on as well, and at then all is moving in a ” LONDON EYE ” where the cabin keep going to be the same and the circle wihout finding its own exit but that is dangerous so mark a great difference in the all kind of constructions is to be able to read the Dynamics and psychologist Rythms, then grab both of them up and bring out in the context of every movement, however to do the opposite as have already said in other occasions have several consequences in the movements body, brain and mind, that already in that trainings are more than visibles so in a championship that will do on is just to set it much more, as a balloom in its bubble to that reach a needle that poke it without abilites to manage as the speed, power and direcction of the rythms that was called on warning.
” Ser un corto de miras, es mirar para otro lado o empujar en obsesion hacia una dinámica que nunca puede ni debe sustituir todo el potencial que podemos sacar de un ser humano, si nos molestamos en coordinar todo el equipo del que disponemos en frente en vez de sustir partes por mecanimos o herramientas, necesarias si, pero a su vez insuficientes, limitadas, desproporcionadas o desorientativas hacia todo el conjunto integral, que en el momento de la verdad la evidencia “escondida” saldrá sola a luz, lo peligroso es que se nos escape de las manos la gestión..¨
¨ We must never justify our choices, the acquisition of new chargers,…and a long etc.. through of being a short-sighted because all our movement will be based in a contaminated mirrow that through of our inconscious area will want to inverse the situations that will surf in an opposite way of our own benefit, when everything must be based about all in the total predisposition to the area that one have decided to move on as in the particular abilities that open as in a individual way as in a set of groups of development, leadership and execution so place them on a position far way of whatever kind of comfort as in action as of thoughts. “
” The understanding or the comprehension just can be holding up through of depth psychologists abilitiees but never from the dominancy, that just will cover the basic issues but on the face to face to a real issue the other side will be the unique useful tools that will not admit any argue at all, because will the unique with enough abilite to read the millions the points that have every situation involved on “