On the begining of that day didn’t expect to watch that match, I was going to do another personal things even my match from today was canceled, so take adventage to watch that so let to show out a little bit from my own perception, but with a objection to everybody whom could read me […]
Author Archives: Hidden Tennis
Firstly should define that we understand about the meaning of Stigmatization, that is the action of describing or regarding someone or even some material things as worthy of a disgrace or that deserve to receive the worst at all. Also recomend that read many of my articles that have gone writting as the last one […]
That article that will be reading below is an inspiration that came on me after that made a reflecting about the actual situation that are living now, as about all experiences have lived on the last months (Switzerland, France and England) through of all the immense trail that every psychology reading have gone leaving back […]
Yesterday night while was watching the match between the ATALANTA agasint the ViLLARREAL, a pair details called me the attention whiile was watching it, one with each team; well I commeted on my last article about the lack of bravering from the own technical team, here in that other match have happened some readings that was […]
Well, wanted to remind you, dear reader, an article that wrote before than Xavi got on charger of the team, commented details that should be worked on depth and that it would help to make the team much more competitive, of course that to share that again, togther with some words that I am going […]
Well dear reader, ever since I was 23 years old (now I am 38 years old), Nepal’s Country have accompanied me in some different situations, I don’t know the reason but some say want to go there, maybe with a van camper and travel around of that country even Vietnam and Thailand between others around […]
Dear reader if you have read my last three articles on relation of that saga of articles, at the moment there are four on, think that then there are many details that don´t need to be repeated and let myself to do introduction shorter. So, we can travel directly to the relevant facts about his […]
Dear dear, when during the easter time of 2013 gave a click on my evolution like human being after years behind of others working very hard if we talk on psychologics terms through of placing on in situations that really are necessary in whatever kind of effective progress between other many tools that you must […]
Dear reader, I am not a person who could be defined to take some cases and then individualized it as if it was something diferent to the rest or in other words to push it up as a way that bring to the spectators to take a perspective that revitalize something that should be in […]
Dear reader, before to go in to the article, I want to remind you again that once of my goals that wish to get in through of my website (videos, articles, lives on I hope so as well..) is to show you out a kind of sports and psychological analysis completely different than you are […]