Today, August 12, Granny would have turned 95 years old, for a week, you did not get there, she assured that wherever you are, reunited with the strength of the other beings who have already left, I at least do not forget about the pieces that they contributed to what that I am today, infinite […]
Evolution of a character. Today more than necessary, an absolute priority. Very briefly, a transformation that is not a change (not advisable due to its useless placebo effect) of almost 37 years, molding and molding both himself and the nature that surrounds him. To be absolutely lonely is not to be unsociable. There are no fears, there are […]
My grandmother left calm, in peace … bittersweet sensation, nothing to do with the supposed virus and I hope they do not count it as part of it, to continue making up numbers of fear. Our grandparents, even their children, do not deserve this, other times other nerves, but they gave everything without asking for anything […]
Without the phase of recognition, whether in the middle or in a state of Denial of reality, it is impossible to go to this phase to bring it to fruition. The Adaptation includes three stages each harder, Resignation, Surrender and Acceptance, for me in this order. Be really brave not to interrupt or slow down the […]
Before continuing with the phases, he brought you a little closer to my essence as a human being. A sincere, open, flexible interview, 2/3 talking about myself, reflecting and 1/3 final part giving a spin to the world of tennis, without hiding myself and transporable to any other discipline or sector. Excuse me that my […]
We started with the phases, I divided them into 8 phases, they may be less, I opted for them because it is designed for fools (seas of subjectivity). In this case, I start at the end, the examples, when you see the video you will understand why, it is very eloquent; then I explain the phase, […]
Before continuing with more concepts, a forceful invitation to park the shit, everything unnecessary, brave with a host on the table, good sense and coherence in the measurement line between visualization, listening, what you want to hear and what is used to a sticky comfort habit as miserable. Be Voz, Be you, don’t be a flock […]
Video in Spanish and English, 20 mins each part. Very small for how truly important it is and how much absent it is daily, it is how much forgotten. I insist I speak from PSYCHOLOGICAL aspects. This concept is an enormous answer to the questions that arise today in young people and to a lesser degree but […]
What are they? What do they cover? How do they make us measure the opposite? Apart from discovering why Djokovic will always fall badly from the beginning, you can also discover the ties that lead to indefinitely clinging to them, abruptly limiting ourselves as individuals and in turn to others or groups as a whole. Without forgetting […]
Defining what Self-esteem really is, differentiating it from self-confidence and trust, which have nothing to do with it, always in the shadow of both. Self-esteem does not understand low or high, or labels or colors, you have it or you do not have it, you have worked or not, Prepared for a universe between you […]