As many people know that have been fighting for long time ago to get my own chance on TENNIS, showing “Hidden” details that change small speeches…. that it isn’t other thing that small details will change all your inertia on, however as happens in all matter is a simple question about you are willing to find the change or definitely won’t it on. 

Well, dear reader, if you are someone that use to read my articles from that website as even if read the posts that share on my RRSS, there is an detail that I am always remind all of you, basically is the grounding of my own essence on equal parts, means as to the handicaps as the own huge benefits that it has in….etc. Why have repeated you that again?… below, you will understand it, easily.

Look, many times the years, look like routines, means that always have the same four stations, own festivals from any district, town or villages, or even whatever other types events full of variety of noises. So till the 25 years old, I searched the PERFECT EXCUSE to keep alone at home, a similar scenes of the famous American Movie, HOME ALONE… but in one or two points more aggressive, so I mixed up whatever SPORT PROGRAMMING plus my HYPERSENSITIVITY with a brutal intention to avoid to assist to whatever event where I previously have checked it or simply by an instinct of surviving, I was aware enough as to know that NOISES were playing around of it, so better to keep at home on darkness with the shutters down, using the sounds of the SPORT (included the voice of the journalist) to cheat to my mind and get to bring it to other point more distracted on. Honestly it worked really well!. In fact, learned so late to ride on bike, it was developed alone on the same way, distracted watching my friends to play a football match (I was always excluded on) and when looked back to my bike was riding on!!!. I was 12 years old!. 

NOISES ≠ SOUNDS (if you searched on my website have two or three articles so good about it, from the beginning of that website)


Well, as you could imagine if have a warmth heart, between the stations, festivals,…etc…, at the end of journey, were spending plenty hours closed at home watching a lot of sports by hours (fortunately, felt so bored with the video games, hate it!), like were, gymnastics (the rhythmic as well), waterpolo, swimming, Athletics, handball, football (indoor and outdoor), cycling (indoor&outdoor), formula 1, motorbikes, Basque ball, karate, judo, basketball, paddle, skiing, ICE SKATING,…..etc… and of course TENNIS….. a case that for me was a reference and that from point on my head had the idea that in some way had to help on the sport, was Jesús Rollán and even few years ago when I was doing a tour for the High Performance of Sant Cugat del Vallés, with some other stories that was told, removed my head again, reminded Jesus and other athletics, so in some way I had to be working on the sport and like that could bring some type of different perspectives, or even be able to open that mind channels and develop a type of job more congruent, or said in other words, more complete in each of the four branches. 



¨ All the sports or many of them can have the enough abilities to feed back each other in maximum aspects as technical as psychologist in favour of the maximisation of the resources and its healthiness on ¨.


ICE SKATING. What does it have to say on TENNIS?

The first and most important thing is that must consider the body as a whole matter, which is exactly that explained on subsequent article to Wimbledon 2023, called it (New Spanish, king of tennis, the specifications), I told you, dear reader about a super important detail called the axis of rotation, an central engine that must have so clear to get on periods stages a varieties of points of extension so flexible to that point central, it is the base of the whatever sport, but on Tennis that we were an extra weight in one of our extremities, because is forced to play with two types of weights, a death weight (on stopped and on the service) and the swing weight (related with our technical and even the own specifications that have add to our racket, strings, weights,..etc…but the technical communicates us out a lot…), so makes that TENNIS is a sport a little bit different to others, although we can compare it with the Rhythmic Gymnastics that also grab a device in relation to the test that are doing on, but here is executed in direction to a complete rhythm while that in our sport the TENNIS, have a lot of several interferences in the rhythms, detail that create a variability of loading weights through of the minutes that must realise on.  

*On the last paragraph, the rhythms that I am referring is about mental dynamism (brain codification..), nothing in relation to the rhythms of practicing through of the time.

Look the Ice skating has the next movements that are quite interesting to observe on:

  1. Euler.
  2. Toe loop.
  3. Salchow.
  4. Loop.
  5. Flip.
  6. Lutz.
  7. Axel.

*On the previous video, you could watch a triple axel, and as the the mechanism of rotation, that central point called AXIS, make that all the body works as a matter subject, as said previously is a fundamental base to the tennis as well.

To the factors to be aware about bringing on TENNIS:

  1. The fluidity of the movements (lighter).
  2. The aperture of the movements.
  3. The permanent flexibility to keep it on the maximum point of action on.
  4. The determination in the speeds.
  5. The consistency Rhythm of the speeds.
  6. The volatility of the executions, legs and foots.
  7. The balance in the gravity.
  8. The dynamisms between the upper and lower area.
  9. The Brain communication on accuracy tone in.
  10. The rotations on the exits and entrances of the body to next movements on.
  11. The jumps and its impulses in a set together.
  12. The nature landing against floor and its cleaning exit from all the extremities.
  13. The environment communication to keep on.
  14. The timing with the music, that nothing is in relation with the rhythm, it is something brutal, because as lost it or even making any varieties about it, on the next step will be crashing against the floor. (observed it millions of times on).
  15. The game between the Communication and the field of the attention, that are really different concepts on.
  16. The mechanism of confidence and self-confidence in a narrow relation with the self-esteem, said in other words, integration – absorbing the information to keep on.
  17. Brain – Mind – Body that are playing in different frequencies, requiring a job so similar to the five senses. (On tennis that is more flat and interrupted but could be more creative – dynamic).
  18. The inertia rotational (The axis).


A fun story, when I was still observing if really I could help on tennis, meant that on that time still need to work hard to bring myself to a complete, solid and healthier formation, while worked on the Queen’s club, on purpose made a small test, where wanted to observe the levels of consciousness, analysis, abilities of making breaks, changes of conduct and even cognitive opening, simply through of a simple gesture, on the TV, I changed the channel and placed some unusual sport, like ICE SKATING or other as JUMPS OF SKIING, when the people moved around, so really waited the enough time and observed that were happening around, very often it was impatiently changed to other channels that on that days, considered irrelevant….so practically the movements were constants and there weren’t time that could dedicate to change a modes of actions that have a reflect merely automatic about that were our routine educative. I was between stunned and a little bit concern….needless to say that about the youngest one it was arduous…..


In conclusion, if oneself have spent the enough time to know as the works in each one of its parts, sealing on deeper areas of each one of them, searching carefully step by step, without getting interferences from anywhere, observing everything to the millimetre adjust on, and besides add everything that have explained on that article, where could be so generous between sports to feed back each other, the field of action that could have in front of our heads would be so wide as to the details as over a develop so higher on performance while in the same time will be limiting the consequences aggressive of the practicing of the sport on, where will find health and performance on the same point of communication, THE PERFECT PLAYER. 

On tennis, from my point of view in comparison from other sports, in relation to the coaches, after have been on different congress, chats and own personal observations, notice two clear facts, first one, there are a brutal lack of personal security ( balance between confidence, self-confidence vs self-esteem) that should be unacceptable, basically in fact is is prejudicing several firstly to theirselves as in personals as familiars environments but also after is transmitted on court to the players, focusing over the rankings but cheating them in relation to theirs real levels of game, because on many occasions feel more deeper that the rankings can move for inertia and in the same time have a poor or lower relation to the level of game that they are showing on, because think that is so important to work from the realities day by day, and the second one, the lack of knowledge and high levels of disorientation is too big in relation to the competences that must required to the coaches and about the techniques executions of itself, which in turn bring stuck inside to make decisions in opposite to the real improvement and healthiness of the players. 

” Substituted an element that must be transmitted and working on court for the coaches for anything external mustn’t be seen like an ordinary thing, because basically one thing is Substituting and other thing is REINFORCING our Job and in the same time the quality of the players, that is always a details that must start and finishing through of the technical instruction of the coaches and the nature absorption from the own players (develop of confidence, and solidification of the own states of self-esteem ” .


Remind to watch that and other videos of Javier Fernandez, as said along of the article, the exchange of feedbacks between sports, my idea that Javi ( read that some practice tennis as well, or like it…) as other competent professional coaches could exchange wisdom with their equivalents of the tennis, would be something enriching to listen on the table and in the same time to absorb in to everyone or at least that have the abilities and intention (will) to do that for theirs own improvements and benefits to bring to the players on court, but also in terms of amateur tennis and about the delivery of resources to other communities through of the sport and the TENNIS on that case. 





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