Look dear reader, after have been working 1 year for the LTA and never stop to look down my person, is obvious that through of the performances that have seen honestly have a tremendous feeling of anger because have lost a big chance to adjust small things that change completely the peaks of the performance, however prefer to take other way where are crashing by itself without caring the consequences about who are facing on at the end, sincerely doesn’t matter, singles, doubles or juniors.

” Have observed players absolutely struggle with some issue, and don’t have clear the concepts is an issue when want to communicate a solution / example with movement to the player, because make the chaos bigger, and that is feeling on the matches later on “

” The injuries on the tennis in comparison with other sports, the work technique has a brutal influence in development or high probabilities of injuries, as in slights issues as the dangerous one, sincerely are very fine details that appear on, which detect it require of a lot of precision and focus on, but usually pay more attention to external facts that even won’t change to score that we wish to find in our player on court. “

*THE ANGER is still more intense about players (humans beings) that really appreciate a lot and that in their office of job don’t like to see them like that.

Today was raining on many areas of the journey, so barely could watch three matches, decided to sacrifice the match between Alejandro Davidovich vs Holger Rune, to see few British juniors, on boys barely could see anything as lost so faster one, although many of them have a clear idea from that was my place of job, so need to work on discipline, listening and integration about that the kids need.

About boys that could see just smalls flashes, details that you said, uhm, that kids are different, I liked Roy Horowitz (USA), and Federico Bondioli (ITA).

Anastasia Detiuc / Andrea Gamiz  vs  Freya Christie / Alicia Collins  (small flashes), think that was so nervous and accelerated, more mobilities with the foots up.

Viktoria Hruncakova / Tereza Mihalikova  vs Harriet Dart / Heather Watson (Different moments as was checking three courts on the same time).  

A faster observation is that when one goes down then other one go up, support each, as Viktoria as Tereza were really connected between them, as said also, the attitude and aptitude is everything, have faith and motivation is need which found someone who really transmit it to the players, that open their map is a matter that don’t admit argue at all.

Nina Vargova  vs  Hephzibah Oluwadare

Nina.  On the service the toss was so high but about all there was too much time waiting to go up, also the left leg is left blocked, wrist is not loose and the arm o the toss is go down a little faster, in fact had some problems with the stroke, inconsistent; about the strokes from the baseline, usually reduce the body and scratch the ball more with the shoulder that using properly the force of the back, making a sharp hit that is as cut it in a piece, reduce timing and have a hard impact on the body, after her mobility of legs, was more based on jumping down up that on short steps, that conditioned in the manage, address and power of grabbing the ball, it was more clear in movements of exit to ahead or backwards, that on side movements on. Mentality, I don’t know if was the coach or father, had some interferences, but about all go and come back permanently without stability on, developing a little apprehension on.

Hephzibah. On the service that probably is the unique clean stroke that she has on, about her toss was constantly faster and without managing on, and when pull herself up was late to take the sweet point on; on the the baseline strokes, hit the ball too late so force her have to make a lot of force on that make that don’t have a track of movement (transference), in fact is that her exits with the dominant legs was inappreciable, so overloading the muscle impact on (her bandage on was an example of why…), lost the count of infinites unforced mistakes from the forehand against the red, each two or three, zero consistency, after on the rest, her position practically conditioned all option to dominancy and just on ball shorts and a concrete high was when got to have a clear shot, it includes a lack of touching with the racket as well. On Mentality, a great are to respect from her because had a lot of self-love (amor propio – pundonor) with a good resilient character, that was stable from beginning to the end, although conditioned for that technique holes that are necessary to work on.

Emerson Jones vs  Given Roach 

Emerson. Recognise that like a lot the technique of that girl, her racket was an absolute extension of the arm, each stroke and movement was really clean with a beauty gestures from the beginning to the end, obviously there are small adjusts as in relation to the movements in the turns of the body or in the way to close the racket (timing with the ball, it was faster), on the rest had a close position which here if was a small trouble to make a good impulse / exit to the ball, it was a little clumsy.  On Mentality, the little that observed was quite free and focus on, as have always said when there is technique then the mind will go after on but never on the inverse.

Given. On the service, the wrist lost contact with the racket (grip), and as the wrist as the elbow were really blocked in a position that damage the body but that also limit to develop the game (dominancy); about the baseline strokes, the steps were really bad, with a mobility quite closed and spaces obstructed by the own legs, that even the own legs cross each other, it was nothing clean at all; after the splits was executed without any sense at all and in higher position to the moon; on mentality it was really mess, overwhelmed.

Ella Macdonald vs Martina Genis Salas.

Ella. On the service, her right leg was stuck and firm accompanied of a direct strain ( TIRÓN) that is really dangerous for the injuries; about the baseline strokes, there is a small trouble, her wrist in the chances of the grips lost an absolute contact which lost all the order (DESAJUSTES) between the hand and the racket (apprehension); about the rest is too wide lost a lot of balance and her reaction to counteract the next stroke from the opponent, and it goes also in relation to the mobility that have with the rest of the strokes on the court, is that a little straight and a little slow on movement; and about her mentality detail that really in that case think that condition to the rest of the pack, that don’t like to see at all, is that looks like a the movement that would do a creme of caramel, so means that is too inhibited innerly, some broken that don’t let her nor show an opening game nor even that she can enjoy really on the court, feeling her as if was forced on court, and that on psychological terms with the time can transfer to other complicated issues if it explodes on.

Martina. On that case, go to a quicker summary, I love all her technique as her attitude and aptitude, have a lot game in her inner with a higher level of consistency on every stroke, but yesterday there was two serious issues, the first one a wide improve in mobility of legs and positions, and the second one that was the most dangerous, the interference from the coach was really bigger, and even the worst is that wasn’t aware about the psychological aperture (negatives) that was opening to his player on, so bring it to some limits and the type of respond that could expect can be variable in context but never on intensity or aggressiveness that put yourself completely outside of where you are, so that killed the match completely.

Matteo Berrettini vs Alexander Zverev. ( Big Screen in the hill, last set). 

The other day have already seen playing to Matteo against Lorenzo, said that was in good position, have a lot to win than lost during that competition, if feels behind of that strong man, still retain inside too much emotions / game, said in other words, that observe that is playing a little bit restrained and that issue in a game against CARLITOS think that is not going to be a good idea, so must explore and put out much more on.

About Zverev, a feeling between disorder and a process somatic that still is walking on him, means that was playing a too expectant to all the spaces, so his brain is moving in delay on.

Katie Boulter vs Elena Rybakina. (Big Screen in the hill).

Katie. I was saying that all the week, need to improve a lot on the rest, where wasn’t going well on the previous matches, and that on her left side must confidence and hit on…, because yesterday in the few points that was on forehand, Rybakina suffered a little on that exchange of hits. On Mentality must confidence in herself where is, and also realise by herself from details that need to take not easier choices on if want to go a step ahead.

Elena. Everything beginning and finishing in that has a state of calm that let to herself that the racket a clean extension, movements, acceleration, rotations, entrances and exits, but of course adjustments on the steps to the ball specially on the left side where have some issues to place really well. On mentality need to avoid small overloading or small punishments that doesn’t belong to her.


Through of the things that are leaving that juniors from the Britain school and although yesterday couldn’t see some of them, and today I don’t have ticket to get in, although know some of them who are playing today (Sunday), means that know really well that need to improve on, but probably some name if will go listening soon, but already advance a detail, in someone of them, need to improve the mobility and actions, but in others the level of conscious in the adjusts, because when lost the situation of the space, their strokes, about in a case is quite clear, then finish to correct it through of forcing a lot the knees as other joints of the legs, and that through of the time is a detail really dangerous.

*I know that I am very picky, but must be like that we seek the best as on as off the court from the players. (Hope that very soon have the chance to help and live from that I love, as you see and I am so ready).

  1. The technical job is quite disaster, chaos and mess.  (equal to unlimited frustrations).
  2. Psychologically, I would like to be wrong but think that is so weak on the material, as have said many times to be able to help others is so important that have lived the street, the dirty of the place, to know that must observe / analyse, after must guide to the players, but never is never, would have to fall in aspects of suggestions or brain manipulations, it is not a good praxis and can create a lot of damage, even reach to be irreparable!.
  3. Miss discipline and intensity but always taking the sharp measure that every human is able to hold in that right moment, and after step by step go elevating the rhythms. 




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