Allow me, dear listener, a “must” recommendation, if you are a psychologist, trainer (College, institute, university, federative, group manager, … etc ..), manager and a long-time ecétera, whether you are from tennis or outside of tennis , you really have to see the entire video, before reaching that last part, which I know will bite you both curiosity and innate training responsibility, to reach that area of the video with a base, that is, enough chicha, acquiring a minimum root to catch it with activation, because you are really going to see that it has no waste given the seriousness of what the whole set of said video hides.
I admit that I have increased the level of intensity of my videos a lot, as well as that I do not regret anything at all about them, as a human being, I have the greatest common value of freedom (External, internal is something else, much more would than me also accompanies me) , being a free soul, well used, a great lover of himself as everyone can do for himself, “be weird” for some, but show yourself transparent to the world, be faithful to your oddities, knowing that the freedom comes with responsibility,You choose your actions, you are the owner of them, nobody else, and all responsibility implies consequences, amending the bad to do and taking advantage of all the good, just as life has taught me through treating another human as a human and not as an object, relativizing my personal interest, putting myself in the place of others, to UNDERSTAND their interior, what is inside, their reasons, opening myself to other levels of realities, I can only do it from complicity, affection, and altruism by very ennemy that he wants to be with me, the same path unites us, “The Human” , word and reason.
“The moral hump and lameness are yourself responsible, unlike the others that are hazards of nature” (Fernando Savater).
“To be free and not a slave to justify by responsibilities, which is precisely their objective, to manipulate you to always be a slave to them, to be free from manipulation, is to have consideration for your own freedom, to keep your right alive for another human” (Carlos Azuara).
“The experience alone is nothing more than the sum of a number, the true experience is the internal capacity to create situations of experimentation, without experimentation the experience will be worthless” (Carlos Azuara).
Faithfully with affection,
A lover & respectful of the values and spirits of whatever sport but specially The hidden on tennis .