SUMMER TIME!!!! There are FESTIVALS on everywhere , of course more frequently in Spain (my LOVED country), in fact that week my small hamlet (Valvieja, Ayllon, Segovia) are on festival, It is an week of social emotions between other things….. but for my person is fulled up of contrasts, because during my childhood it was working as a hidden needle to my inner though of the emotional noise that brought from the time spent on the beach, usually in the Lanzas (San Juan, Alicante) other regions close to Alicante (Denia, Calpe,…) or Lopagan (Murcia) but it was much intense in the Comunitat Valenciana, and even from the countryside of my city, Madrid, where had to manage the strong and permanent noises by hours from the hunters and the army’s training (their ground was just few miles away from my home).
My unique scape to manage the brutal stress and the null self-esteem that there was on me, it was to develop a CLINICAL INSIGHT (OJO CLINICO) from whatever position I was, from underneath of a state or the scaffolding from a portable ring bull, or simple of a sharp corner sought on purpose through of step back, so on every case, needed to be focus in a 360 grades angle, so means have “ the control” from every action, gesture, movement, action, or context that was happening on or basically could come up in whatever moment and that in some way could affect me, “ NOISES “, from everything or everyone.
“ Concerts, festivals, theaters, pubs, wedding, birthdays with balooms, crowded canteen,….etc…or other things in relation with the noises or that there was any chances to be noises, that is for your ORDINARY for me bring stuck an issue that have to manage on my own loneliness, because haven’t found anyone with an tremendous psychology empathy about it”.
By the way, you can ask right now to SERGIO RICO and his family, goalkeeper from the Paris Saint Germain,
“ Look like that some horses was scared from a strong noise, and one of them hit the player”. But basically the humans have a fact that difference us from the rest of the living beings our POWER of reasoning, means the ability to analyse everything, put it against a contrast of balance and grab the best choice that need to take through of the demand about the issue that are living on that right moment, that is called COMMON SENSE and a HIGH SENSE OF REALITY (OBJECTIVISM). Sadly, so weird that are using in nowadays.
1. That is not in relation to have an own judgment (Criterio propio).
2. It mustn’t be based through of the experiences. ( Just flexible knowledges).
3. There are not states of mandatory terms. ( mobility).
4. The ego is active in a mood of survive ( resistance and connection to the body).
5. The space is coordinated with the levels of consciousness that we could go to add in.
6. There are not need to have the self-steem on, but obviously if develop it then get a solid certain. (It is not dispensable).
7. Don’t need aperture, its something accurate to a point, then from there you are moving to the next one….etc…
8. The Emotional intelligence is on aside, because it is evolving other factors that are deepest ones. (Obvious would be a brilliant extra to get it in).
9. Own state of freedom. (Once that save on your memory each one of the millions of points, piece to piece in all spectre of our 360 grades even several miles away).
10. Mind outplacement. Means that our mind program will be able to change…
11. The evolution of the five senses and as it can aggressively to affect to the different systems of our body. Said in other words, it must go developing in relation to the levels of consciousness, training.
12. Magnification of resources and chances to manage the situations on my favour.
13. Reduction of acoustics and human interferences. That point can be complex because it is so easy to get lost or even can be misunderstanding on.
14. Leave out whatever feeling of belonging. (Attack/jokes to the neighbour’s esteem).
15. Avoid that whatever type of potential is minimised (Sharp focus).
16. The communication is not coming from the SELF, means that our vision must move to a wide field that is exhibited on “uncertain”.
17……..Design, cubes, information exchange,….etc…. And more that add in function to the development that could keep about that subject………….etc…
That previous concept is an reduced part that each human must be able to develop innerly, but in my case, being a HSP, the CLINICAL INSIGHT have been a way that have gone gradually raising in knowledge and depth through of a level of PERSEVERANCE far away from any fears, because or take that direction or directly I would be going to the suicide. On labours terms has got a high cost, however when you have worked on consciousness about the kitchen where you want to be, it is never later to go in, but have to break inhuman cruel barriers, but that in the same time are filled up of compression from my side.
However, in that moment, even so that right now I feel a lot of fury and high levels of anger, because I leave all my fuel over there, my whole soul on the ground, that even offered my person absolutely for free, basically just needed 10 seconds on court and every small technical change draw a get free physical pain (obstruction), that are facts (technical and psychologies issues) that have tried to warn from the last summer, but about all the most painful is to see human broken or abandoned the courts full of tears, and it takes more sense when each other there are a great appreciation and love.
Cases like:
- Apprehensions of wrists, once that that articulation can hold more pressure it goes directly to the elbow, neck…or even move to the other side.
- Block legs, abrasions that could affect to the lower backs.
- Rigid Back, awful positions that will limit all the movement….
- Shoulders – collarbone absolutely closed, so impossible get any soft and power movement, painting a narrow circulation that will move down to the other areas of the body, where the legs will take a super rigid position.
- Apprehensions about the knees, means have to support a type of weight that mustn’t, the force must come from the back, when must be just small point of the axes of rotations.
- Overloading the ankles to weight that don’t correspond to them, missing steps and rotations…
- Abdominal rotations…..very short or rigid…. here is a part of our engine together with our hip, without getting to manage that movement’s exit, that will get is a several robotic gestures that are blocking and eve tighten more and more our articulations….
- Psychology issues, inhibitions, depressions, variabilities,….etc…. mean that maybe your can’t see that on that moment on court, but as have been shown weeks later is coming up on the first or second competition that they are taking on, it is simply a question of time!!!!. Must REMIND, my articule about the DIFFERENCES between the PACING and the RHYTHMS…. because must be so careful, in the way and intensity/speed that are demanding to our player.
- …. Could name more details from everything I see.
Of course that there are cases that have some awful technique that honestly or change it, or sincerely is so complicate that can develop as professional in relation to the expectations that have created in; however there are other cases that simply is adjust small details and would minimise a lot their impacts like that their peak of performances would be higher (consistent and realistic) and finally there are cases that are in relation to adapt a better body positions (consciousness) and also in the same time in general a better psychology placing in.
* I am absolutely convinced that on that level there are plenty of them that would grab it adjusts so faster and feel to theirselves most grateful and freedom as on as off the court. I believe on it!!!!!
Finish, saying that doesn’t matter that you have been a number 1 from the world, or from your country or even have gained a number of titles or Grand Slam, because must learn to difference the ROUTINE from the DEVELOPMENT, both of them are different concepts, in the ROUTINE there is inertia, on the DEVELOPMENT, there is a strong WILL, even the type of commitment change; but also as have mentioned above in the case of SERGIO RICO, the animals, that include to the human being as well, if we pay attention as about them in their jungles lives and about the own life the actual human being, no one of us are ready have the brain so ready to live round of an unlimited excess of acoustic stimulus that every time are finding outside through of the technology, artificial intelligence (houses, cars, supermarket,..own street) or even about simple tools that supposing that make our job easier but that really are activating and even messing up the brain communication, that is something you can feel on the street, or about the behaviours that have the people to their dogs, or simply in the mobilities, fatigues, anxieties as in the movements of the spaces as about the way of nutrition that are grabbing in, so insist our brain system (many of our society) are not ready to hold permanent acoustics noises.
” Our brain system as the rest of the animals, have a function, and really are being altered so damage severally other functions of our body “
A CLINICAL INSIGHT need to be so clear to develop through of the multiples functions mentioned above, and that have a lot to say through of the anticipation to each one of the injuries mentioned previously as well, because in terms of observation, reading and ability to detect each singular aspect as to a sport focus as obviously to human aspects, that is where would be its real working, once have it, then after could come other factors, as are the empathy, understanding, the depth of the gestures…..etc and that in some way give us a tremendous global aperture from all context at the end.
” As a HSP Person, where permanent my person is attachment to infinity profiles but never come me to know all I care on short distances, so is a detail that need to develop to survive, because is an issue that just appear on the social contexts, so independently of the high costs mentioned before, feel so proud and freedom, although I am fighting on the street to go ahead, wouldn’t that for anything on the wall, Can you say that to yourself? “
That nobody is saying you things that are all smoke and mirrors, have to work so hard and practically alone to develop that subject.
” There are so many models as we want but need to amplify that VISION ”
” If not apply that correctly the consequences to take choices outside of that point of view to our players could be irreparable “